Annual Budget

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Annual Budget is one of the game mechanics in Rebel Inc. It determines how much money an operation can expect to earn within a fiscal year.

Types of Budget

The budget system is based on percentages of the full budget of $72. For this page, we can represent the full budget by A, and the percentages by decimals.

The budget itself is divided into two types: Reputation income, and Basic income. Both values are added together to form the full budget.

See the below table for information on the budget when you initially start the game.

Name Budget percentage Actual money
Basic income (starting value) 0.08 ~$6
Reputation income (starting value) 0.42 ~$30
Starting budget (sum of 2 above) 0.5 $36
Full budget
Full budget (A) 1 $72

Reputation Income

The lowest point of your reputation determines your Reputation Income. Your starting reputation determines the percentage in which the reputation income is multiplied with.

This value can not be increased through any means; it can only decrease as Reputation decreases.

Here's the formula regarding the reputation budget.


Example calculation

For example:

  • Your reputation is 70.
  • The base reputation income starting value is 0.42.

If your reputation decreases to 35:

  • 70 / 35 = 2.
  • You divide this value by 1: 1/2 = 0.5 or 50%.
    • 0.42 * 50% = 0.21

Therefore, the reputation income you get is now 0.21 (21%) of A, which is $15.

Basic Income

Basic Income is the opposite of reputation income - it can only increase, and is not determined by your Reputation, but instead by everything else. This includes:

  • Stable zones
    • The Income bonus from stable zones follow by this formula:


  • International Assistance - Funding Only
    • Adds 0.06 to basic income
  • Oil Derrick in a Full Intel Non-Insurgent-Controlled Zone
    • Adds 0.1 to basic income

Income Variance

It is not guaranteed that each month you will receive $AnnualBudget12. Some months you will receive less, some months you more.


  • The Economist receives budget annually, rather than monthly.
  • On the map Golden Sands, the basic income is down to 0 and reputation income to 0.15. Additionally, Income from stable zones is reduced by 30% (x0.7)
  • The Wealthy Exile advisor will reduce the damage dealt to Reputation Income by 20%.
  • Casual Difficulty Campaign Map Feature increases the basic budget by 0.15.
  • Each level of Exhaustion in Campaign reduces the basic budget by 1/18 (~0.055..)
  • The highest possible amount of Annual Budget is $128, or $139 on Casual (this requires the player to not drop more than 1% below their starting reputation)
  • Casual difficulty reduces damage dealt to Reputation Income by 60%, while Normal difficulty by 40%.