Player Tactics

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Player Tactics are a feature in Rebel Inc.

General Information

Player Tactics provide positive modifiers to your stabilization efforts. In Campaign, Player Tactics can be chosen every time a map has been beaten. Chosen Tactics persist throughout the Campaign. In Weekly Challenges, Player Tactics are pre-selected and cannot be changed.

1-Star Player Tactics

Icon Description
Accelerated Training

-25% training time for National and Coalition Soldiers.

Advance Expert

Start with an Expert unit. Lost permanently for the stage if killed.

Advance Garrisons

Start the game with +2 Garrisons.

All-Terrain Tanks

Tanks can access and fight at full strength in all terrains.

Armoured Division

Start with a Tank Attachment deployed and ready to be attached to Soldiers.

Coordinated Fireteams

Soldiers can support each other while fighting.

Combat Simulation.

When you are defeated on a map, get a second chance. Can be used once per map.

Hot Wheels

Logistical costs for Coalition and National troops are reduced when traveling through a zone with or adjacent to an Expert unit.

Dangerous Driving

Tanks instantly destroy 3 insurgents when entering a zone.

50% chance of occurring relative to other 1-star tactics

Deficit Funding

Can go into debt at the expense of Reputation.

Early Engagement

Start the game with +5.0 Global Support Level.

Espresso Shots

Advisors and Governors can be used on multiple maps without penalty.

Fiscal Windfall

+$12 for each first stabilization of an Urban zone.

Fundraising Campaign

+$12 starting Budget.

Heavy Fortifications

Government Structures are indestructible. Embassies are excluded.

Intelligence Gathering

Start with intel on +4 zones and the District Representatives initiative.

Long-Range Scanners

Drones scans extend to zones adjacent to the target.

Media Campaign

Start with +10 Reputation.

Modern Warfare

+25% combat strength for Coalition and National Soldiers.

Morale Boost

Coalition Soldiers gain +2 months (12 turns) of extra deployment time when winning battles.

This does not stack with advisor War Hero, who provides the same effect.

Neighbourhood Development

Experts spend more money to improve 2 adjacent zones in addition to their own.

Pre-Emptive Strikes

Start of insurgency is delayed by +23 turns.

Remote Expertise

Start with a Remote Specialist Attachment deployed and ready to be attached to Soldiers.

33% chance of occurring relative to other 1-star tactics

Rural Expertise

Start with a Rural Specialist Attachment deployed and ready to be attached to Soldiers.

33% chance of occurring relative to other 1-star tactics

Urban Expertise

Start with an Urban Specialist Attachment deployed and ready to be attached to Soldiers.

33% chance of occurring relative to other 1-star tactics

Targeted Raconnaissance

Manually control Drones with a cooldown of 6 months.

Targeted Air Support

Manually choose airstrikes with a cooldown of 3 months. Increases cooldown of automated airstrikes.

Trip Wires

When destroyed, Garrisons kill all insurgents in their and the neighbouring zones.

War Censorship

No Reputation loss when Insurgents take over Zones once, and no additional reputation loss when they retake zones.

2-Star Player Tactics

Icon Description
Advance Coalition Soldier.

Start with a Coalition Soldier.

Advance National Soldier

Start with a National Soldier.

Advanced Warfare

Increase combat strength of all Soldiers by +50%.

Community Development

7 random Civilian, non-Infrastructure Initiatives already funded.

80% chance of occurring relative to other 2-star tactics

Counter Intelligence

Disables the latest Insurgent Tactic for the rest of the campaign.

80% chance of occurring relative to other 2-star tactics

Government Takeover

Insurgent Camps become Garrisons when destroyed.


Insurgent camps are always revealed after rumors begin, even without full intel on their zones.

Mass Advance Garrisons.

Start with +4 garrisons.

Mass Fundraising Campaign

+$35 starting Budget.

Mass Intelligence Gathering

Start with intel on +8 more zones.

  • District Representatives and Regional Census initiatives already funded.
Mass Media Campaign

Start with +20 higher reputation.

Outreach Network

All Outreach initiatives already funded.


If insurgents are adjacent to a Garrison, they can only attack the Garrison. Doesn't affect HQ.

25% chance of occurring relative to other 2-star tactics

Private Military Contractors

Coalition unit deployment time is extended with funds instead of reputation. Is affected by Violent Ambushes.

50% chance of occurring relative to other 2-star tactics

Propaganda Teams

+5 Reputation for each Insurgent Camp destroyed.

Road Building

4 Road Initiatives already funded, including Dirt Roads I, Main Roads I, and Highways I.

60% chance of occurring relative to other 2-star tactics

Sniper Support

Fleeing insurgents take 1 casualty for every soldier and garrison assisting in the fight, including the one fighting directly.

Targeted Construction.

Manually choose garrison locations. Significantly increases Garrison placement cooldown.

Windfall Tax

+80% more income from Stable Zones.

3-Star Player Tactics

All of these tactics have a lower chance of spawning relative to 2-star tactics (as the game considers 3-star tactics to just be rare versions of 2-star tactics), and will not spawn in Mega Brutal.

Icon Description
Committed Coalition

Coalition Soldiers never withdraw.

5% chance of occurring relative to 2-star tactics

Development Roadmap

No Concerns.

15% chance of occurring relative to 2-star tactics

Expectation Management

No Reputation loss to Lack of Stability.

15% chance of occurring relative to 2-star tactics

Gold Standard

No inflation.

10% chance of occurring relative to 2-star tactics

Can spawn in Mega Brutal

On The Job Training

Coalition Soldiers leave National Soldier units behind when withdrawn.

5% chance of occurring relative to 2-star tactics

Personal Teleporters

No logistics costs for Coalition and National Soldiers.

5% chance of occurring relative to 2-star tactics

Zero Tolerance

No Corruption.

5% chance of occurring relative to 2-star tactics


  • On PC, all 3-Star Tactics are incorrectly shown as 2-Star ones, since as mentioned before they are merely considered rare 2-star tactics.
  • Player tactics block conflicting tactics and features from occurring. For example, the On The Job map feature prevents the Committed Coalition player tactic from occurring, as well as the National Surge and Oil Survey map features in Weekly Challenges.
  • Some insurgent tactics override player tactics. Pre-Emptive strikes gets countered by local agitators, reducing the start of insurgency.