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Initiatives are the only way for the government to perform meaningful actions in Rebel Inc. Almost all initiatives cost funds, and have various effects on your Support Level, Reputation, combat strength and other factors. Most initiatives increase corruption risk and inflation.

Civilian Initiatives

Main article: Civilian Initiatives

Civilian Initiatives primarily increase Support Level and are rolled out zone-by-zone. There are three main branches.


The Services branch include healthcare, education, water/sanitation. They are extremely effective at reducing the hostile population, are fast to roll out, and very cheap. It is recommended to start with basic services.


The Infrastructure branch includes: roads, which boosts movement speed and intel collection; electricity, which boosts initiative rollout speed; and telecoms, which increases support level the more zones it is completed in.


The Development branch includes economic, trade, and production initiatives. They significantly increase Support Level, but have high costs, high inflation sensitivity, and cause large corruption risk when funding them, and are almost useless against hostiles.

Government Initiatives

Government Initiatives are about dealing with the bureaucracy and international relations. There are seven main branches.


The Outreach branch adds additional teams to roll out initiatives in certain types of zones.


The Anti-Corruption branch deal with Corruption and Corruption Risk.


The Security branch consists of initiatives that rewcruit local militia/police, making it harder for Insurgents to take over zones. They are automatically rolled out zone-by-zone.


The Intel branch relates to gathering Intel around the region, which is necessary for almost everything the Operation does. District Representatives are rolled out zone-by-zone.


The P.R. initiatives multiply Support Level, and as such are essential for stabilisation.


Politics initiatives are a set of 4 initiatives that have varying uses.


Situation-specific initiatives include all initiatives exclusive to Governors or Maps.

Military Initiatives

Main article: Military Initiatives

Military Initiatives focus on using the international Coalition and National Army to combat the Insurgents. It also includes Garrisons, Drones, and Airstrikes initiatives. They are not available until the Insurgency are rumored, unless the General is chosen. There are seven main branches.

Coalition Army

The Coalition Army includes 5 coalition soldiers to combat the Insurgents. Coalition soldiers are strong and fast but antagonize locals and will request to leave after 2 tours of duty.

National Army

The National Army includes 4 National Soldiers that are weaker and slower than their Coalition counterparts and need to be upgraded, but are less likely to antagonize locals and will never leave. This branch also contains three initiatives that increase strength and speed of National Soldiers.


Garrisons are structures that support allied forces and maintain security. The first initiative in this branch allows an assessment team to begin planning locations for Garrisons, which then require $3-6 to build. The other initiatives give boosts to Garrisons.


Interpreters include initiatives that allow soldiers to gather Intel faster, roll out Civilian Initiatives, and avoid antagonizing locals as much.


Drones allow the use of UAVs to gather temporary Intel and reveal Insurgent Camps. Their upgrades give drones the ability to remain on a Zone for a longer time, give combat bonuses while it's on a zone, or deploy more often.


Airstrikes are used to bomb Insurgents, providing combat bonuses and destroying Camps. Upgrades to airstrikes include reducing civilian casualties, increasing the rate of airstrikes, or making them stronger at the cost of civilian casualties becoming more likely.


Situation-specific initiatives include all initiatives exclusive to Governors or Maps.