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Garrisons are a buildable government structure. They are tied to a special Military initiative of the same name.

Garrisons are used to provide support to soldiers, boost security, and cut off insurgent escape routes. They are extremely helpful assets when it comes to controlling the insurgency. Garrisons can be destroyed if the zone is taken over by insurgents and defending soldiers are losing the battle or absent.

Garrison effects

Insurgents cannot flee to zones occupied by Garrisons. Insurgent camps cannot spawn in these zones either.

Garrisons can support units in adjacent zones. However, the effect does not stack with multiple garrisons supporting a soldier (only visually)

Garrison support multiplies soldier combat strength by approximately 1.8 (3.5 with "Combat Reinforcements" initiative). The General's garrisons boost combat strength by an additional +20%.

When a soldier wins a battle in a zone with a Garrison (including the HQ), 1 insurgent fighter will be killed when fleeing. (This will not take effect if multiple battles happen in the same zone in a short period of time ). The insurgents lose 2 fighters instead when fleeing if Security Checkpoints is purchased. This includes insurgents fleeing due to Airstrikes when the Social Distancing Insurgent Tactic is active.

Garrisons will kill 1 insurgent fighter when destroyed (which increases to 2 if Security Checkpoints is purchased). If the Trip Wires player tactic present, Garrisons kill all insurgent fighters in their and adjacent zones when destroyed. (Use this with Government Takeover, Airstrikes, and Drones to regularly nuke the insurgents)

Garrisons reduce the amount of supporters needed to stabilize a zone by 30%, supporters needed of zone depend mainly Hostile supporters, and for 3 other factor like Zone Population, Zone Population Percentage for Map and Scale of Zone Size for Average Zone Size of Map). With the Civil Support initiative, they also increase local support.

Garrison spawning

Location AI

Garrison locations are judged by 'an assessment team', aka the AI. The AI prioritises zones adjacent to insurgent-controlled zones, cities and rural zones, and areas where soldiers are in need of assistance. When the spawning cooldown is complete, a suitable location will be chosen where a special event will pop up. This event gives the option to build a Garrison in that zone at a random price between $3-$6. This can be optionally rejected.

Spawning cooldown

When building a Garrison, the cooldown of the Garrison will increase. The cooldown has the following formula for calculation:


"x" represents the number of Garrisons that have been built. This will apply to any starting Garrisons, save for the three created by the General.

Once the cooldown reaches 0, the following will happen:

  • "x" is increased by 1
  • The cooldown is reset
  • The game calculates the zone to show the decision to build a Garrison.

When a zone is manually chosen to build a Garrison, the starting cooldown is increased to 150 instead of 30.

The Engineer advisor reduces the cooldown by 20 turns when the cooldown is reset.

Rejecting a location will decrease the current cooldown by 55% and decrease "x" by 1.

Miscellaneous info

The General starts the game with 3 randomly placed Garrisons. The Player Tactics Advance Garrisons and Mass Advance Garrisons provide 2 and 4 Garrisons respectively at the start of the game which are also randomly placed. The Quartermaster advisor can also provide 1 Garrison. This means that when using both the General and the Quartermaster in the campaign, it is possible to start the game with an insane 8 Garrisons.

The Government Takeover Player Tactic turns insurgent camps into Garrisons when destroyed.

The Billionaire does not have access to Garrison initiatives.

Relevant gameplay aspects


  • Garrisons - Allows the player to construct Garrisons in zones with full intel.
    • There is usually a delay between the appearance of relevant prompts.
  • Combat Reinforcements - Significantly increases combat bonuses units receive from garrisons.
  • Security Checkpoints - Reveals insurgent camps in nearby zones if the player has full intel on them. Otherwise, functions similar to security initiatives by increasing the time required for insurgents to take over a zone.
    • When purchasing this initiative when a garrison is under attack by the Insurgents, it will boost that zones takeover
  • Civil Support - Garrisons now increase support levels in their zones.
  • Blockades (Warlord) - Garrisons generate 1$ once in a while each and reduces local support level.

Player Tactics

  • Heavy Fortifications - Garrisons will become invincible, as will all other government structures.
  • Trip Wires - When the Garrison is destroyed, it will destroy all insurgents within and around its zone.
  • Targeted Construction - Player can manually construct Garrisons in desired locations, if possible.
  • Advance Garrisons/Mass Advance Garrisons - Player starts with 2 or 4 extra Garrisons respectively.
  • Sniper Support - When an allied military unit is supported by Garrisons and other applicable units, each assisting individual will cause one additional insurgent casualty when they are fleeing provided if the military units win the battle.
  • Government Takeover - When an insurgent camp gets destroyed, one Garrison appears in place.
  • Overwatch - Insurgents will only attack Garrisons if there is one nearby.

Map Features

  • Inaccessible Terrain - Garrisons can't spawn in remote locations. Doesn't affect Government Takeover.
  • Garrisons Striking - Every relevant regular initiative relevant costs twice as much.
  • Concrete Shortage - Garrisons initiatives cannot be funded. Doesn't effect General/Advance Garrisons/Mass Advance Garrisons.
  • Weak supply chains - Garrisons spawn differently and will likely appear near allied units.
  • Crumbling buildings - All allied structures, including Garrisons, have 30% of their normal health.


  • Quartermaster - Start with 1 Garrison in a random zone.
  • Engineer - Reduce cooldown for Build Garrisons by 20 turns.
  • Defence Minister - Manually choose garrsion locations.


Garrison creation sound effect

Garrison destruction sound effect



  • The Garrison's audio assets are reused from the Templar Bases in Plague Inc.