Official Scenarios

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Official Scenarios offer various alterations to Rebel Inc.'s regular gameplay by introducing a special theme or tactic, such as focusing on keeping Insurgents away from Embassies until they can be evacuated in Embassy Evacuation, being forced to use only experts for initiative rollout in Corporate Development, or playing as all the governors at once in Omnigovernor.

Several possible alterations are noted as Player Tactics, Map Features, and Insurgent Tactics, similarly to how they might be found in Campaign Mode. Some Official Scenarios may have pre-selected regions, pre-selected HQ locations, or pre-selected governors.

Official Scenarios, as well as Custom Scenarios, may be unlocked in Rebel Inc. by purchasing the Scenario Pack for $4.99. Once purchased, all Official Scenarios are available for play at any time, including any that may be released in the future. In Rebel Inc: Escalation, Official Scenarios are unlocked by default.

List of Scenarios

Scenario Name Scenario Icon Scenario Description Added in version
Southern Fever Southern Fever.jpg The Insurgents aren't the only threat in this hot, humid land. Cases of the Southern Fever have been detected across the Region, leaving Soldiers vulnerable to infection. There's no cure but the new Medic governor can treat soldiers to get them back to strength and stop them spreading the infection further. 1.1.0
Insurgents On A Tank! Insurgents On A Tank.jpg The last insurgents in the Region have stolen a tank and are trying to attack your HQ! The tank can't be killed but your soldiers can make it flee in panic. Buy your negotiators enough time as they try to persuade the insurgents to come out of the tank! 1.1.0
Omnigovernor Omnigovernor.jpg Play as every governor... at the same time! With their powers combined, anything is possible. Flourish and fail with the benefits and the drawbacks of every governor at once. 1.1.0
Embassy Evacuation Embassy Evacuation.jpg Insurgents are launching a huge attack to kidnap negotiators and disrupt the fragile peace process. Strategically evacuate your embassies before the insurgents reach them and hold out against relentless assault waves until the peace deal can be signed. 1.1.2
Evolving Insurgency Evolving Insurgency.jpg The Insurgency is rapidly developing new Tactics. Left to their own devices, they will soon overwhelm any efforts to stabilise the Region. Halt the increasingly dangerous Insurgency and defeat them! Develop new Tactics of your own to counter an ever expanding insurgency. 1.1.0
Flying Fury Flying Fury.jpg Bring death from above with the advanced Helicopter Gunship. Seek and destroy stolen weapons caches, training grounds and camps to force the Insurgents into submission. Deploy a powerful helicopter to provide mobile offensive and defensive capabilities during this engagement. Move fast,hit hard. 1.1.2
Corporate Development Private Contractor.jpg A mega-corporation has secured all construction contracts in the region. The Board of Directors refuses to allow the unsupervised roll out of civilian initiatives so multiple Experts must be deployed to roll out Initiatives directly. `Balance Experts, Hostility and Corruption to stabilise the Region zone by zone. 1.1.2
Dark Tunnels Dark Tunnels.jpg A large and well-established network of interconnected Tunnels has been identified in this Region, allowing the Insurgency to attack or flee through Zones across the map. Bunker Buster missiles have been authorised to assist in stabilising the Region. Careful strategic management of military resources will be required to suppress the insurgency here. 1.1.2
Defense Grid Defense Grid.jpg The Insurgents are using advanced cell tactics and splintering whenever defeated in combat. The use of AI Sentry Turrets has been authorised. Equipped with threat sensors, they can pin Insurgents down and inflict heavy casualties over time. Use high-tech automated defences to fight a tenacious Insurgency..
Ultra Mega Insurgency Ultra Mega Insurgency.jpg The Insurgency is equipped with every Insurgent Tactic (except Fanatical Fighters) ! The odds are against you and extreme strategic abilities will be needed to win. WARNING - this is the most challenging Rebel Inc. scenario ever! The developers can just about manage to beat it on casual difficulty…
Hell's Highway Hell's Highway.jpg Vital convoys are headed towards the soon-to-be-completed Azure Dam carrying supplies and machinery. But first, they have to navigate Hell's Highway and the Insurgents know they are coming... Defend convoys from those damned! Insurgent attacks as they travel through the region.
Immortal Fortress Immortal Fortress.jpg Insurgents have established a base of operations in an ancient mountain fortress. The structure offers a formidable defence against military intervention; the Insurgents will not let it fall easily. Break through the Insurgent fortifications and gain control of the fortress to secure the Region.
Desolate Fields Desolate Fields.jpg After decades of civil war, the once tranquil Saffron Plains have fallen to the Insurgency. The thriving saffron trade has died out, and the population has turned to your Operation to save the Region from the brink of collapse. A fast and effective response will be required to save this Region before it's too late.
Real-Time Operation Real Time Operation.png There's no time to explain! Can you stabilize the region when time is always moving forwards?
Pause is disabled in this scenario.
Sand & Secrets
Mad Tanx Mad Tanx.png The Tank Commander has lost his mind! He's stealing all the oil from Golden Sands to power his obscene war machines.
Obliterate the Insurgency in this fast and furious world of fuel-injected turbo-charged supertanks.
Sand & Secrets
Oil & Thunder Oil Thunder.png Golden Sands has been seized by the Insurgency and they're threatening to set fire to the Oil if the Coalition attempts to take it back.
Secure the derricks before the oil (and your reputation) runs dry...
Sand & Secrets
Shadow War Shadow War.png The Insurgency has gone underground, using stealth tactics and intelligence blackouts in a despicable attempt to secure the oil derricks.
Can you defeat an insurgency that can't be seen?
Sand & Secrets
The Genie's Curse TheGenieCurse.png Some say the desert harbours ancient and powerful relics, granting wishes at a terrible cost......Hunt for the magic lamps before they can be used by the Insurgency.
Can you become all-powerful? Or will you be cursed for eternity?
Dollars & Disasters
The Airlift TheAirlift.png Insurgents have cut off access to Mountain Pass! With no way to breakthrough, aircraft around the world have been mobilised to fly in everything the Operation needs.
Await Airdrops, choose supplies carefully and beat the blockade.
Dollars & Disasters
Orbital Uplink OrbitalUplink.png The Satellite Commander, a woman of the future, dislikes traditional intelligence gathering, preferring to use a powerful (and expensive_ network of spy satellites that provide permanent intel on scanned zones.
Gather intel zone-by-zone and upgrade the satellites to get the ultimate view of a region.
Dollars & Disasters
Before The Storm Before The Storm.png Scientists are concerned about reports of seismic activity in Devil's Peak, Geological survey teams have been dispatched to ascertain what's happening.
Gather geological data with science teams while fending off the insurgents to discover what's coming...
Dollars & Disasters
The Great Droughts The Great Droughts.png Extreme weather is causing the rivers to regularly dry up in Pistachio Forest. During droughts, dry river beds can be crossed by insurgents and Operation forces without restriction.
The heat is on...
Dollars & Disasters
The Plague The Plague.png There has been a deadly outbreak of PAX_12 which is complicating efforts to secure the region.
Deploy medical Field Operatives to quarantine zones and bring the virus under control.
Dollars & Disasters