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Cheats are additional settings applicable to a regular game with varying effects, usually beyond the bounds of standard gameplay.



  • Paying 10.99$ or beat all standard maps with all standard governors and Warlord on Brutal or higher difficulties will unlock all cheats.
    • The monetary cost for each cheat pack can be reduced to 4.99$ by beating a single map with all governors on Brutal.


  • Beating one map on casual or higher with any governor unlocks all cheats.

List of Cheats

Golden Handshake

The possibilities are endless...

  • Increases starting budget by +$1000.

Iron Men

Deploy extremely powerful super soldiers onto the battlefield.

  • Drastically increase Soldiers' Combat Strength and reduces half of logistic costs.
  • For Coalition Unit, multiplied Combat Strength nearly double. For National Unit, multiplied Combat Strength nearly 4 times.

Fake News

Reputation will never decrease.

  • Reputation always stays at 100 and does not decrease or increase.
  • Still can choose options that requires over 100 reputation in decisions.

Car Wash

Corruption and Inflation don't exist in this model world.

  • Corruption and Inflation will never increase no matter what.

Shock & Awe

Manually target Infinite Airstrikes. Use with caution.

  • The Airstrikes Initiative is already funded.
  • Hit the Airstrikes button and the zone you want to be targeted.
  • Manual Airstrikes have no cooldown, but automatic airstrikes still occur.

Home by Christmas

Insurgents stronger and attack sooner.

  • Reduced 90% starting time of Insurgents attack.
  • Very significantly increases Insurgent Capability. (Roughly double)
  • Stacks with the effects of higher difficulties.

Messy Desk

All initiative tree paths are shuffled.

  • Self-explanatory.
  • The three main categories are unchanged, such as you can't find government initiatives in the civilian sector.


  • Home by Christmas is a reference to WWI, where world leaders expected the war to end quickly with soldiers returning by Christmas, although this prediction later backfired horribly as the war would end years later. In this case, it is a reference to how quickly the player can lose due to the Insurgents overpowering them instantly.
  • For some reason, even if you enable Shock and Awe, you are still able to purchase Airstrike-relevant initiatives despite them being unlocked from the beginning.
  • Fake news is false or misleading information presented as news. Fake news often has the aim of damaging the reputation of a person or entity, or making money through advertising revenue. Although false news has always been spread throughout history, the term "fake news" was first used in the 1890s when sensational reports in newspapers were common. Nevertheless, the term does not have a fixed definition and has been applied broadly to any type of false information. It's also been used by high-profile people to apply to any news unfavourable to them. Further, disinformation involves spreading false information with harmful intent and is sometimes generated and propagated by hostile foreign actors, particularly during elections. In some definitions, fake news includes satirical articles misinterpreted as genuine, and articles that employ sensationalist or clickbait headlines that are not supported in the text.
  • Car Wash is a reference to the eponymous ongoing operation in Brazil beginning March 2014. It is an anti-corruption criminal investigation sponsored by the Brazilian Federal Police that prosecutes individuals suspected of laundering, which caused the arrest of many people that were their targets, including various politicians.
  • Iron Men might be a pun on Iron Man/Tony Stark, a famous superhero.
  • Home by Christmas and Messy Desk are the only cheats which makes the game harder instead.
  • Shock and Awe refers to the eponymous military doctrine, where one side utilizes an extreme demonstration of force from all sectors in sheer disregard of consequences, be it genuine or fabricated, to weaken and possibly overwhelm the enemy before they can even fight. It is often used to end engagements quickly and is meant to reduce allied casualties.