Zone Security

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Zone Security (or Security) determines how hard it is for Insurgents to take over zones. The higher the zone security, the harder it is for Insurgents. Zone Security differs from each individual zone, and the player can only know each zone's security 'rating' with intel and by clicking on the zone's screen. Zone Security can also block camp spawns.

Base security

All zones have a base security rating that depends on the chosen difficulty.

Difficulty Percentage increase
Casual 20%
Normal 15%
Brutal 10%
Mega-Brutal 10%

Increasing zone security

Via structures

Some Structures can increase zone security.

Structure Percentage increase (approx)
HQ 17%
Garrison 8%
HQ or Garrisons with Security Checkpoints 36%

Insurgent Camps decrease zone security by ~6%.

Via initiatives

Security Initiatives can increase zone security by the following amount:

Initiative Percentage increase
Local Milita 40%
Local Police Recruitment 100%
Local Police Expansion 200%

Via advisors

The Police Chef advisor increases the maximum security level a zone can get by 20%.

Via events

Some events can increase zone security.

Event Description
Security Chief Bonus Randomly fires after buying Local Police Recruitment. With increase Global security bonus by 30% for all zones
Reward Security Chief

A decision that fires with the event concerning the ethics of the Security Chief. Increase Global security bonus again by 10%