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Airstrikes are a coalition initiative that can be found in the Military section of the initiatives panel.


Airstrikes can be unlocked after the initiative "Deploy Coalition Soldiers 1" has been purchased. Then, the strike aircraft will appear once in a while, attacking one one zone each time.

  • Airstrikes will automatically target zones with Insurgents in them, prioritizing those with revealed camps.
  • Bombed zones will apply a strength penalty to insurgent fighters or even kill them outright in rare cases. Effects of repeated airstrikes are addictive and can snowball quickly in single battle, able to turn the tables on otherwise hopeless battles. Revealed camps that happened to be in the zone are also destroyed instantly on hit.
    • If the Soviet Bunkers feature is active, Airstrikes only do 40% of their usual damage to camps.
  • Airstrikes on their own can already lower support levels each time they occur. They can randomly cause civilian casualties, which may lower support level and reputation. The player can regulate frequency of airstrikes through events, but due to the critical role they play in battles, it's usually better to relax rules, as the chances of civilian casualties and reputation loss of covering them up tend to be few and far between.
  • The more population in zone is airstrike, the more chance Airstrikes cause civilian casualties in that zone.
  • Coalition Soldiers are more effective at preventing civilian casualties for airstrikes in their zone, and this compounds with the Observer Advisor.
  • Buying the Heavy Ordnance upgrade increases airstrikes' effectiveness and chances of causing civilian casualties.
  • Precision Munitions Upgrades reduce the chances of civilian casualties at the cost of slightly increasing airstrike cooldown times.
  • Rapid Air Rotation Upgrades and the Pilot Advisor reduce cooldown times, allowing airstrikes to occur more frequently.
  • The aircraft is not counted as a standard unit and therefore will have unlimited tours of duty.
  • Airstrikes have a base cooldown by 16 turns, and it is reset every time the game targets a zone or a player uses the manual airstrike ability, if available.


  • The operational aircraft resembles the F-15 Strike Eagle.
  • In Rebel Inc. Escalation, the aircraft was resembles the Eurofighter Typhoon.
  • In real life, thanks to the wide availability of AA Weapons such as MANPADS and SAMs, even jets can be unsafe to operate in hostile airspace. This isn't the case in-game where insurgents are helpless against airstrikes and have to rely on aggressive tactics to gain the upper hand.