Insurgent Camps

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Insurgent Camps is the only structure the insurgents can build that are build (usually) on remote zones or on the outskirts of urban centers where it will sending out fighters to seize control of the zone and intimidating any government supporters while at it, thus preventing the whole region from stabilized while also harming the Governor's reputation if the insurgency is out of control. Destroying it will decrease insurgent capability by 4%.


Insurgent Camps are generally set up in remote areas of the region or on the outskirts of urban areas where the Insurgents have an edge where they continually train new Insurgents who then appear in the regional area around the camp to launch attacks and capture parts of the region to damage and break down your efforts. Because of this, Insurgent Camps are high-priority targets to destroy, as they will continuously spawn Insurgents, hampering the operation and ultimately causing defeat if left unchecked.

When the camp in the zone is not destroyed, they multiplied insurgent strength by 1.3 for that zone.

Insurgent Camps can self increase level camps overtime if not destroy. At max level, they increase number insurgent fighter spawn and can spawn up to 2 zones far away from this. (Only if that zone is unstable)

How to Destroy

There are two ways to destroy Insurgent Camps:

  1. Your military units, this method will begin with sending the units at the region where the Insurgent Camp is located, when arrives will automatically attack and slowly damage the camp until it is destroyed. The speed of destruction is depending on enemy resistance, loses a fighting will inflict no damage and it may healing from the damage; and by type of units, Coalition units will have a easy time destroying it instead of National units.
  2. Airstrikes, this method begin by funding the said initiative and before striking need intel or coordinates where the camps is located, if revealed an aircraft will begin a sortie and destroy the camps whereever it located. This method prove quick and safe way to destroy the camps especially in hard-to-reach and heavily defended location, but highly dangerous operating in a dense region where civilian casualities is high but can be mitigated by funding precision munitions and government action.

How to Locate

  1. Surveillance Drones can provide temporary intel and reveal camps.
  2. Having District Representatives in a region revealed by Regional Census reveals Insurgent Camps
  3. Deploying a military unit in a region will give away the location of an Insurgent Camp, provided they have 50% intel on the zone.
  4. If there's a Garrison in the zone, the camp's location is immediately revealed.
  5. Garrisons also can reveal Insurgent Camps on adjacent zones if you have funded Security Checkpoints and if you have full intel on the zone the Insurgent Camp is.
  6. Question marks are always Insurgent Camps. (On opium trail they may be opium fields)

Features & Tactics

Map Features

  • Soviet Bunkers - Insurgent Camps take only 40% damage from Airstrikes.


  • In mobile, it is possible to find more than one insurgent camp per zone.
  • In mobile, insurgent camps will still spawn in a unstable zone with garrison in it and launch an attacks but only on neighbouring zones with no military presence.
  • When at no intel zone but the Camp is revealed and insurgents, the soldiers will attack the Camp first up until the intel progress is at 1/6 that's when the
  • Airstrike effects on Insurgent Camps are consistent.
  • Insurgent Camps are occasionally named "Insurgent Bases" on PC.
  • Fully Stable zones have less to none chance to spawn the Insurgent camp, however if it's already there before stabilized it will not destroyed and remains hidden if still. While its recommended to stabilize the zone first it's also not a bad idea to check after the zones is stabilised.
  • Like certain government structures, Insurgent Camps regenerate health when not under attack or when attacked but the soldiers loses fighting.
  • Insurgent camps can decrease local support in its zone and the zones surrounding it. This effect is the most visible in Black Caves. Also the camp increases insurgent fighters' combat strength in the zone and adjacent to it, if your soldier is losing to a small number of insurgent you can the insurgent strength by opening the zone information panel (which need full intel first to access it) and if their strength is high there's a chance a camp is nearby.
  • When the Camps is destroyed and insurgents spawn like usual, turn out any local concern in the zone will temporarily gone.
  • When taking damage from both types of soldiers, it seems that Insurgent Camps stay at zero health for 3 in-game turns before they get destroyed instead of instantly being destroyed.
  • If the Insurgent Camp is destroyed at the moment when no allied units or government structures are present on that zone (usually when hit by airstrikes), insurgents will spawn immediately.
The Camp Pop-up who shows in the gameplay.