Map Features

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During the course of your campaign playthroughs, you'll encounter certain conditions on the map you'll have to cope with called Map Features.

Major Map Features

Each campaign map can only have a single Major Map Feature. They tend to have the strongest effect on the gameplay.

Advisory Role

Reduces Coalition Soldier combat strength (-70%), but multiplies their combat support to National Soldiers by x4.

Budget Deadline

Reduces Annual Budget to $0 after 10 years of operation (720 turns, in April 2012) have passed.
Other forms of income aren't affected.

Coalition Surge

All National Soldiers in the operation tab are replaced with Coalition Soldiers.

Concrete Shortage

Garrison Initiatives are unavailable.
This does not block certain other sources of Garrisons, such as General's starting spawns and the Government Takeover player tactic.

Crime Syndicate

Multiplies value which Corruption reaches Corruption Risk by 1.4

Defensive Mandate

Coalition Soldiers are unable to enter or pass through Insurgent Controlled Zones.

Coalition soldiers will still move if insurgents capture zones after the order was given.
Does not affect instant deployment on Casual and Normal difficulty.

Diplomatic Relations

Foreign Relations Office, Universal Justice and Democratic Transitions are already funded.
These pre-funded initiatives do not cost money or cause inflation/corruption.

Fuel Shortage

Increases Soldier travel times by +3 after a +60% logistics penalty.

Removes instant deployment on Casual and Normal difficulty.

Information Decay

Multiplies Intel decay speed by x5.
Has the side effect of enabling Insurgent Controlled Zones to reduce Intel in Adjacent Zones.


Security Initiatives are unavailable.
75% chance of occurring relative to other major map features.
Does not affect Warlord's pre-purchased Local Militia.

Leaderless Insurgency

Insurgents have combat strength reduced by 15%, but cannot negotiate peace.

Nationalist Government

Coalition Soldiers unable to move into or through stable zones.

75% chance of occurring relative to other major map features.
Coalition soldiers will still move if zones stabilize after the order was given.
Does not affect instant deployment on Casual and Normal difficulty.

National Surge

All Coalition Soldiers in the operation tab are replaced with National Soldiers.
National Soldier training time not affected by lack of deployment of Coalition Soldiers.
50% chance of occurring relative to other major map features.

No-Fly Zone

Air Initiatives are unavailable.
Affects both Drones and Airstrikes

Oil Survey

Coalition Soldiers never withdraw.
Doesn't appear on Mega Brutal
0.5% chance of occurring relative to other major map features.

Soft Targets

Insurgents launch targeted attacks on priority structures when in neighboring zones. If far away, they ca launch long-range attacks across multiple Zones.
Includes Garrisons, HQ and Embassies

Soviet Bunkers

Insurgent Camps take 60% less damage from Airstrikes.

The in game description incorrectly states that Camps requires 2 airstrikes to be demolished. They actually require 3 airstrikes

Subprime Exposure

Income is increased for the first 5 years (324 turns, in October 2006) and significantly decreased thereafter.

Vocal Population

Locals in this region have additional concerns to be addressed, such as Road and Security Concerns.
Doesn't appear on Mega Brutal.

Weak Supply Chains

Soldiers can only move through zones adjacent to other soldiers or government structures
50% chance of occurring relative to other major map features

Minor Map Features

Each campaign map has 3 Minor Map Features. They tend to have less significant impact on gameplay.

Advance Development

2 random Civilian (non-Infrastructure) Initiatives already funded.

Amphibious Support

Soldiers can support across rivers.

Armed Supporters

Increases security in Zones that were Stabilized at least once by 80%.

Black Market

Gain $3 when Insurgent camps are destroyed.

Casual Difficulty

Playing on casual difficulty gives you +6.0 Global Support Level and +$10 Starting Budget.

Does not occur outside of casual difficulty


Caves are located in some Urban Zones. Caves are more likely to be placed in Urban Zones, and up to 3 Caves can be located in them.

Cave Excavation

Up to 5 Insurgents can hide in a single Cave.

Remains disabled and banned from Campaign mode.

Charity Watchdog

NGO charities will cause much less corruption when they fund an initiative.

  • Remove corruption risk bonus from NGO funding initiatives when Full access by 5.0%, Limited Access by 1.0%
Civil Illiteracy

Government initiatives are significantly more expensive. Affects costs of Universal Justice, Democratic Transition, and Governor-specific initiatives in the Government tab.

Corrupt Officials

Corruption Risk will start at 50%.

Doesn't appear on Mega Brutal.

Creative Accountants

Excess funds over $18 diminish over time. Becomes more noticeable when having more than $20.

Crumbling Buildings

Government structures are 70% less resilient against insurgent attacks.

Dirt Road Potholes

Dirt road initiatives become significantly more expensive.

Economic Illiteracy

Economic initiatives become significantly more expensive. Economic Initiatives include Vocational Training, Land Rights and Export Agencies.

Engineers Striking

Electrical initiatives are significantly more expensive.

Extended Deployment

Coalition deployment extended by +60%, but cannot be extended further.

This does not stack with advisor Military Recruiter.

Existing Operation

HQ already established in a predetermined zone and 4 random Civilian (non-Infrastructure) Initiatives already funded. The HQ is placed on a main road or highway.

Garrisons Striking

Garrison initiatives becomes significantly more expensive.


Peace negotiations will be 75% slower.

Highway Potholes

Highway initiatives become significantly more expensive.

Hydrological Illiteracy

Water initiatives are significantly more expensive.


Inflation will rise +40% faster.

Inaccessible Terrain

Garrisons cannot be built in remote zones. The feature is overridden by Targeted Construction and Government Takeover.

Informants Striking

Intel Gathering initiatives are significantly more expensive. Affects costs of District Representatives, Regional Census and Drones.

Judges Striking.png Judges Striking

Anti-Corruption initiatives are significantly more expensive. All Anti-Corruption initiatives costs 10$ more.

Doesn't appear on Mega Brutal.

Main Road Potholes.png Main Road Potholes

Main Roads initiatives are significantly more expensive.

Military Illiteracy

National soldiers costs significantly more to train. Costs of Warlord' National Soldiers are unaffected.

Military Tradition

National soldiers training duration reduced by 60% but their combat strength is reduced by 20%.

Outreach Illiteracy

Outreach initiatives are significantly more expensive.

Pilots Striking

Airstrikes are significantly more expensive.

Policy Illiteracy

International initiatives are significantly more expensive. Affects costs of Coalition soldiers, Foreign Relation Office, and International Assistance.

PR Illiteracy

PR initiatives are significantly more expensive.

Priority Concern

Locals in this region have a significant concern to be addressed. Concerns will mostly be the same for zones across the region.

Production Breakdown

Production initiatives become significantly more expensive. Affects costs of Development Bank, Commercial Support and Industrial Support.

Pure Minds

Funding education initiatives decreases corruption risk.

Remains disabled and banned from Campaign mode.

Regional Dialect

Intel collection will be 50% slower.

Regional Survey

Start the game with full intel.

Specialist and Tank Attachments cannot spawn in Zones with full Intel, meaning Regional Survey effectively prevents any Specialist and Tank Attachments from spawning at all.

50% chance of occurring relative to other minor map features

Regional Watchdog

Start with an anti-corruption team.


Soldiers scout intel in neighboring zones. Scouts doesn't reveal Insurgent Camps on its own.

Security Illiteracy

Security Initiatives become significantly more expensive.

Teachers Striking

Education initiatives become significantly more expensive.

Telecom Breakdown

Telecoms are significantly more expensive

Trade Illiteracy

Trade initiatives are significantly more expensive. Affects Livestock Development, Crop Development and Agricultiral Logistics.

Translators Striking

Soldier outreach initiatives are significantly more expensive. Affects Soldier intel gathering and civil assisting Initiatives.

Unreliable Funding

Income will be significantly more inconsistent.

Urban Warzone

Suffer ongoing loss to reputation when insurgents control cities or towns. The feature activates when Insurgency is rumoured.

50% chance of occurring relative to other minor map features

Vulnerable Embassy

Places 1 embassy. Destruction of a critical structure in this region will result in an instant game over.


  • The National Surge map feature has a 50% chance of occurring relative to other major map features yet the Coalition Surge map feature has a 100% chance of occurring relative to other major map features. This is because National Soldiers still retain their primary issues of overall efficiency (extreme training times, additional corruption, long travel times, low combat strength) for the arguably marginal advantage of staying permanently, especially if the General isn't in play.
  • Map features block conflicting tactics and features from occurring. For example, the Coalition Surge map feature prevents the Military Tradition map feature from occurring, as well as the Overwhelming Force insurgent tactic, Military Illiteracy map feature, and Advisory Role map features in Weekly Challenges.
  • For Map features that increase cost, the base cost of initiatives increase follow by this formula: NewBaseCost=BaseCost*1.4+5