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The HQ (or Headquarters) is one of the major structures in Rebel Inc. It is where the game starts and is essentially the heart of your operation. Most government or Coalition decisions are resolved here.

When placed in a zone, it reduces local hostile level by 2 and reduces number of hostile supporters by 15% to 25%.

The HQ can be placed anywhere, except on the Dam of Azure Dam, an Insurgent-controlled Zone, or on a zone with Garrisons or Embassies. The HQ may be also randomly placed in a predetermined zone via a Map Tactic or the Armchair Architect advisor.

The HQ will quickly lose HP when the zone is Insurgent Controlled (Soldiers can stop the HP drain if the battle progress is above 50%). If destroyed, the operation ends in failure and the player will lose the game.

In Brutal and Mega Brutal, purchased military units will usually have to depart from HQ to their destination instead of teleporting there.

HQ vs Garrison

While the HQ is technically a "reskinned Garrison", there are still some differences:

Type HQ Garrison
Supports Military Forces Yes
Increases Zone Security Yes
Increases Zone Stability Yes
Insurgents can Destroy Only applicable if the Heavy Fortifications player tactic is absent.
Game Lost if Destroyed Yes No
Decreases hostility Yes No
Determines Transport Links Yes No

Determines Starting Zones with Intel

Yes No
Can have multiple No Yes
Player Chooses Location Varies on circumstances.


  • The HQ is essentially an important Garrison - It increases zone security, blocks off escape routes, supports allied forces and benefits from any Garrison upgrades.
  • The HQ is usually one of the first zones to be stabilised due to generating support on its own; this is an important concept, as stabilized areas can affect other regions surrounding them.
  • In Devil's Peak, the HQ's zone may rarely be targeted by a seismic event. The HQ itself will be destroyed (50% chance to survive if Fire Proximity Suit upgrade was purchased) in the ensuing blast if the player decides to do nothing.