Government Initiatives

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Government Initiatives are the second type of initiative categories, with the other two being Civilian Initiatives and Military Initiatives. These initiatives are about dealing with the bureaucracy and international relations.

Outreach Branch

Outreach Office.png
$3 Outreach Office

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk +3.0%

  • Adds 1 additional Outreach Team to roll out Initiatives in the region.

Establish a team to identify ways for the Operation to engage efficiently with different parts of the region.

Outreach Remote 1.png
$6 Remote Outreach I

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk +5.0%

  • Adds 2 additional Outreach Teams to roll out Initiatives in Remote Zones.

Send dedicated teams to hard-to-reach zones to ensure the benefits of Civilian Initiatives reach them.

Outreach Remote 2.png
$13 Remote Outreach II

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk +7.0%

  • Adds 4 additional Outreach Teams to roll out Initiatives in Remote Zones.

Increase the capacity of your focused Remote Outreach teams.

Outreach Rural 1.png
$4 Rural Outreach I

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk +4.0%

  • Adds 1 additional Outreach Team to roll out Initiatives in Rural Zones.

Send dedicated teams to agricultural zones to ensure the benefits of Civilian Initiatives reach them.

Outreach Rural 2.png
$11 Rural Outreach II

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk +6.0%

  • Adds 3 additional Outreach Teams to roll out Initiatives in Rural Zones.

Increase the capacity of your focused Rural Outreach teams.

Outreach Urban 1.png
$3 Urban Outreach I

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk +3.0%

  • Adds 1 additional Outreach Team to roll out Initiatives in Urban Zones.

Send dedicated teams to built up towns and cities to ensure the benefits of Civilian Initiatives reach them.

Outreach Urban 2.png
$7 Urban Outreach II

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk +5.0%

  • Adds 3 additional Outreach Teams to roll out Initiatives in Urban Zones.

Increase the capacity of your focused Urban Outreach teams.

Anti-Corruption Branch

Anti-Corruption Teams

$11 Anti-Corruption I

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Adds 1 Anti-Corruption Team. They reduce Corruption Risk gradually over time and make it less likely to increase Corruption when responding to events.
  • Increases Global Support Level by 1.00 and reduces Global Hostility Level by 1.00.

Set up a basic hotline and website reporting system, so that victims of corruption can report abuses of power, such as bribery and nepotism

$11 Anti-Corruption II

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Adds 1 Anti-Corruption Team. They reduce Corruption Risk gradually over time and make it less likely to increase Corruption when responding to events.
  • Increases Global Support Level by 1.00 and reduces Global Hostility Level by 1.00.

Begin publicly viewable Corruption trials to allow civilians and the media to view [Operation Name]'s efforts to bring corrupt individuals to justice.

$12 Anti-Corruption III

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Adds 1 Anti-Corruption team. They reduce Corruption Risk gradually over time and make it less likely to increase Corruption when responding to events.
  • Increases Global Support Level by 1.00 and reduces Global Hostility Level by 1.00.

Set up a dedicated undercover investigation Team with powers to impose on-the-spot fines against corrupt individuals.

$12 Anti-Corruption IV

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Adds 1 Anti-Corruption Team. They reduce Corruption Risk gradually over time and make it less likely to increase Corruption when responding to events.
  • Increases Global Support Level by 1.00 and reduces Global Hostility Level by 1.00.

Ban high value currency denominations in a wide spread demonetisation scheme.

Effective Procurement & Corruption Purges

AC EP.png
$3 Effective Procurement

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk -3.0%

  • Reduces Corruption Risk gained when funding Initiatives by 10%.

Put good people and proper mechanisms in place to clean up procurement channels and make it harder to skim money off the top of deals and contracts.

AC Purge.png
$12 Corruption Purge I

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0

  • Multiplies already existing Corruption Risk by 0.85.
  • Increases Civilian Initiatives' costs by $1.
  • Increases Global Support Level by 1.00 and reduces Global Hostility Level by 1.00.

Order public naming and shaming of key individuals suspected of major corruption offences and cancel all business contracts with them.

AC Purge.png
$22 Corruption Purge II

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0

  • Multiplies already existing Corruption Risk by 0.80.
  • Increases Civilian Initiatives' costs by $1.
  • Increases Global Support Level by 1.00 and reduces Global Hostility Level by 1.00.

Immediately freeze the assets and accounts of key individuals suspected of major corruption offences and prosecute them.

Local Security Branch

Gov LocalMilitia.png
$1 Local Militia

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 7.0%

  • Increases Zone Security Levels by 40% when rolled out.
  • Reduces Zone Security Levels by 40% when destroyed.
  • Reduces Local Support Levels by 1.00 and increases Local Hostility Levels by 3.00.
  • Kills 1 Insurgent if destroyed.
  • Doesn't require Intel.

Hire and arm local untrained citizens in order to keep the peace.

Gov LocalPolice.png
$13 Local Police Recruitment

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 6.0%

  • Increases Zone Security Levels by 100% when rolled out.
  • Reduces Zone Security Levels by 100% when destroyed.
  • Increases Local Support Levels by 2.00 and reduces Local Hostility Levels by 1.00.
  • Kills 1 Insurgent if destroyed.
  • Allows the Corrupt Police Chief event to happen.

Recruit new police officers and train them in contemporary policing techniques and standards.

Gov LocalPoliceExpansion.png
$15 Local Police Expansion

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 6.0%

  • Increases Zone Security Levels by 200% when rolled out.
  • Reduces Zone Security Levels by 200% when destroyed.
  • Increases Local Support Levels by 2.00 and reduces Local Hostility Levels by 1.00.
  • Kills 1 Insurgent when destroyed.

Bring in international policing specialist trainers and provide better equipment and weapons.

Intel Branch:

Gov Intel.png
$8 District Representatives

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 4.0%

  • Rolls out District Representatives that gather Intel on Zones.
  • Increases Local Support Levels by 1.00 and reduces Local Hostility Levels by 1.00.
  • Doesn't require Intel.

Assign the Operation's representatives to individual zones so that they can work with community leaders and gather reliable information on what is going on.

Gov IntelCensus.png
$11 Regional Census

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 4.0%

  • Rapidly gather Intel on Zones.

Collate detailed social-political data on the populations of zones.

PR Branch

Gov PR1.png
$11 PR & Media Office

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 4.0%

  • Increases existing and future Support and Hostility Level gains by 100%.

Establish PR & media teams to clearly communicate the Operation's achievements in the region, control messaging and counter attempts to stir up discontent.

Gov PR2.png
$8 Strategic Communications

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 4.5%

  • Boosts the bonus of PR & Media Office from 100% to 150%.

Use electronic media, cell phones and radio to empower conversation amongst locals and rapidly communicate news to the region.

Politics Branch

Mil OutreachAssistance1.png
$10 Foreign Relations Office

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.5; Corruption Risk 4.0%

  • Unlocks the Subtle Pressure option for the Foreign Rival decision.
    • Improves effectiveness for Subtle Pressure and Publicly Accuse on said decision over time.

Develop diplomatic contacts and relationships. Engage with rival foreign countries to reduce their support for the Insurgents.

Gov DiplomacyDemo.png
$7 Democratic Transition

Inflation Gain 0.5; Inflation Sensitivity 1.0; Corruption Risk 1.0%

  • Gains 2 Reputation.
  • Shortly triggers the series of Democratic Elections events that may either very significantly increase Reputation or catastrophically reduce it.
  • Increases Global Support Level by 1.0.

Openly commit to democratic elections. Establishing a successful democracy will significantly boost your Reputation over time.

Gov DiplomacyJustice.png
$6 Universal Justice

Inflation Gain 0.5; Inflation Sensitivity 0.1; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Gains 3 Reputation.
  • Increases Global Support Level by 3.0 and reduces Global Hostility Level by 1.5.
  • Certain decisions may trigger Anger over Justice Hypocrisy which have very significant negative impact on Locals' opinion on your Operation.

Publicly pledge to apply justice evenly and fairly. Everyone must be accountable for their actions, no matter how powerful they are.

Gov DiplomacyAssistance.png
$6 International Assistance

Inflation Gain 0.3; Inflation Sensitivity 0.3; Corruption Risk 2.0%

  • Triggers Charities Prepared to Help 5-10 months after funding the Initiative, offering 3 Decisions to choose:
  • Full Access: Charities fund Civilian Initiatives for free, very significantly increasing Corruption and Inflation.
  • Limited Access (takes $4): Charities sometimes fund Civilian Initiatives for free, significantly increasing Corruption and Inflation.
  • Funding Only: Increases Annual Budget by $4.5.

Request help from global charities and NGOs.


Some situations have their own special initiatives.


$1 Bank Reserve Increase

Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Reduces Inflation by 90% once.

Economist orders banks to increase their reserve ratios so that they are required to hold more money.

$1 Non-Essential Spending Freeze

Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Reduces Inflation by 99% once.
  • Reduces Global Support Level by 2.0 and Increases Global Hostility Level by 1.0.

Economist orders a review of all Government spending and freezes it where possible.


$2 Compulsory Work

Inflation Gain 0.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Adds 3 additional Outreach Team to roll out Initiatives in the region.
  • Reduces Global Support Level by 3.0 and increases Global Hostility Level by 3.0.

Warlord orders militia to force unlucky locals to work for {operation} for free.

-$12 Civilian Shakedowns

Inflation Gain 0.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Reduces Global Support Level by 2.0 and increases Global Hostility Level by 4.0.

Warlord orders militia to conduct surprise inspections and seize any 'contraband' found.

$0 Blackmail Journalists

Inflation Gain 0.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Gains 5 Reputation.
  • Reduces Global Support Level by 1.0 and increases Global Hostility Level by 4.0.

Warlord orders militia to blackmail journalists and make them write positive stories about the operation.


$4 Martial Law

Inflation Gain 0.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • If Reputation is less than 16, sets Reputation to 16.
  • Resets Reputation loss to Lack of Stability

General orders direct military control to try and restore calm and confidence in {operation}.


Bribe Insurgents

Inflation Gain 0.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Instantly disbands some of the Insurgents.

Smuggler offers insurgents money to stop fighting the operation.

Temporary Crackdown

Inflation Gain 0.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Temporarily reduce Corruption Level.

Smuggler orders the arrests of some of his competitors. Treat the symptoms, not the cause..


Print Money

Inflation Sensitivity; Corruption Risk %

  • Increases Inflation. The more money the operation has, the less Inflation is generated.
  • Reduces Global Support Level by 1.0 and increases Global Hostility Level by 1.0.

Banker orders the printing of vast sums of money to provide funds for the operation.

Hire Lobbyists

Inflation Gain; Inflation Sensitivity; Corruption Risk %

  • Gain 7 Reputation.

Banker hires political lobbyists to highlight all the great work the opeartion is doing.

Tank Commander

  • Tank Justice - People convicted of serious corruption offences may be executed by being run over by a tank. Reduces Corruption and Support Level. [-3 global support | +3 global hostility]

Development Director

Hire Experts - Request deployment of a team of Development Experts. Experts roll out Initiatives in specific zones. They will even roll out Initiatives that [Operation Name] hasn't funded yet (at a cost). - Quickly rolls out initiatives in the region they are in. Spends $1 to roll out unfunded initiatives when all funded initiatives have been rolled out, discounting that initiative by $1 (can be free as long as inflation is 0), prioritizing the local concerns of the region. Prevents the Azure Dam from degrading.
Project Managers - Add dedicated Project Managers to the Experts team, letting the Experts themselves focus on getting the job done. Speeds up roll out of Initiatives in the targeted zone.
Unofficial Procurement - A more 'relaxed' approach reduces the amount of red tape surrounding unfunded Initiatives. When your Experts roll out Initiatives that haven't been funded yet, they increase Corruption Risk instead of costing money. [+0.02 corruption]
ATV Transport - Provide your Experts with dedicated All Terrain Vehicles for equipment and personnel transportation. Increases movement speed for Experts.

Azure Dam

Dam Construction - Begin construction efforts to restore the dam in the region. Convoys will drive through the region to bring equipment and materials to the dam site. Cost increases depending on the state of dam when work begins.
Local Employment Drive - Hire locals from the region to join the team of external contractors working on the dam. Increases Support Level across the region.
Extended Convoys - Negotiate contracts with vehicle manufacturers to provide more trucks and increase the size of Convoys bringing supplies to the dam. Convoys provide more supplies to the dam upon arrival.
Armoured Convoys - Fund heavy steel armour-plating for Convoy trucks. Convoys take 20% less damage and move less slowly when under attack from Insurgents.

Opium Trail

Counter-Narcotics - Establish a department responsible for combatting the Opium Trade. Prevent new Poppy Fields from appearing in stable zones. Soldiers will destroy Poppy Fields.
Employment Support Programme - Provide poppy farmers with alternative livelihoods through job creation, sustainable crops and retraining. Poppy Field destruction no longer makes locals hostile. Costs money per field. Each Poppy Field that was destroyed before funding this initiative will make it more expensive.
Opium Crackdown - Orchestrate a region-wide surge, raiding suspected opium processing facilities. Temporarily reduce Opium Production. Gain 1 Reputation.
Enhanced Surveillance - Outfit surveillance drones with state-of-the-art multi-lense cameras. Drones upgraded to scan multiple zones at once.


Unused initiatives. Note that the construction initiatives are different than the Azure Dam construction initiatives.

[Structure Name] Construction - Begin construction efforts on the [Structure Name] in the region. Convoys will drive through the region to bring equipment and materials to the [Structure Name]. Cost increases depending on the state of [Structure Name] when work begins.
Local Employment Drive - Hire locals from the region to join the team of external contractors working on the [Structure Name]. Increases Support Level across the region.
Extended Convoys - Negotiate contracts with vehicle manufacturers to provide more trucks and increase the size of Convoys bringing supplies to the [Structure Name]. Convoys provide more supplies to the [Structure Name] upon arrival.
Armoured Convoys - Fund heavy steel armour-plating for Convoy trucks. Convoys take less damage and move less slowly when under attack from Insurgents.
Counter-Narcotics - Openly commit to tackling rampant drug production and trafficking. Gains Authority, and decreases Insurgent strength, but loses local Government Support Levelers. You will also have make sure you deliver on your promises.
Natural Resource Exploitation - The region has abundant natural resources, though not the means to bring them to market. Unlocks Natural Resource Exploitation decisions, potentially increasing Authority.
  • Patronage Network - Power on the ground is often held by unscrupulous individuals. Bringing them on side could be advantageous, though may require getting your hands dirty. Spends Money to secure services of Warlord Fighters. Decreases Reputation.
  • Stock Dump - Dump Stocks in Regional assets. Costs Reputation. Gain Money.
Fake Money Bribes - Direct executives to regularly pay Insurgent bribes with fake money. Sometimes bribes cost no money at the cost of corruption.


Name Global




Corruption Base Cost
Effective Procurement 0 0 -0.03 3
Anti-Corruption 1 1 -1 0 11
Anti-Corruption 2 1 -1 0 11
Anti-Corruption 3 1 -1 0 12
Anti-Corruption 4 1 -1 0 12
Corruption Purge 1 1 -1 0 12
Corruption Purge 2 1 -1 0 22
Democratic Transition 1 0 0.01 7
Universal Justice 3 -1.5 0 6
Unofficial Procurement 0 0 0.02 1
Regional Census 0 0 0.03 11
District Representatives 1* -1* 0.04 8
Foreign Relations Office 0 0 0.04 10
International Assistance 0 0 0.02 6
PR & Media Office 0 0 0.04 11
Strategic Communications 0 0 0.045 8
Outreach Office 0 0 0.03 3
Remote Outreach 1 0 0 0.05 6
Remote Outreach 2 0 0 0.07 13
Rural Outreach 1 0 0 0.04 4
Rural Outreach 2 0 0 0.06 11
Urban Outreach 1 0 0 0.03 3
Urban Outreach 2 0 0 0.05 7
Local Police Recruitment 2* -1* 0.06 13
Local Police Expansion 2* -1* 0.06 15
Local Militia -1* 3* 0.07 1
Non-essential Spending Freeze -2 1 0 1
Bank Reserve Increase 0 0 0 1
Martial Law 0 0 0 4
Print Money -1 1 0 -12**
Hire Lobbyists 0 0 0 9
Bribe Insurgents 0 0 0 12
Temporary Crackdown 0 0 0 5
Compulsory Work -3 3 0 2
Civilian Shakedowns -2 4 0 -12**
Blackmail Journalists -1 4 0 0
Hire Experts 0 0 0 6
Project Managers 0 0 0 6
ATV Transport 0 0 0 5
Tank Justice -3 3 0 0
Dam Construction 0 0 0.04 15
Local Employment Drive 4 -2 0.06 4
Extended Convoys 0 0 0.03 8
Armoured Convoys 0 0 0.01 10
Opium Crackdown 0 0 0.1 2
Counter-Narcotics 0 0 0.01 5
Employment Support Programme 0 0 0.02 -1**
Enhanced Surveillance 0 0 0.02 6

* Increases local support/hostility level rather than global support/hostility.

** Gives back money when not taking inflation or other cost modifiers into account


  • Despite the fact that the destruction of the Local Militia initiative would increase Support Level in a zone, the Regional News will still say "Insurgents reduce Support Level in [zone name]" when the initiative is destroyed by insurgents (as is the case with all other initiatives).