National Army

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The National Army is the national Military force of the eastern nation that Rebel Inc. takes place in. It is tasked with fighting alongside the international Coalition to stabilize the regions in their country by aiding and defending the population against the Insurgents.


National forces are represented in-game by green triangle Icons.

Under normal circumstances, National Soldiers can only be trained after the first Coalition Soldier has been purchased which, in turn, is not unlocked at the start of the game.

When training National Soldiers without Coalition Soldiers presents in the map, the training speed is reduced by 40%. (This can be ignore if National Surge is present.). It takes as little as 13 month to as long as 16 months (mega brutal) without player upgrades to train a single unit. Player can train 2 units at once at max speed - 12 months. If the player buys 3rd unit it will take much longer to train all 3 units at once.

Being an improvised formal military, the National Army is weaker at everything than the Coalition Forces. They still benefit from various upgrades that can be purchased, however, and the Coalition's Drones and Airstrikes work as well.

National Soldiers collect zones intel twice as fast than Coalition Soldiers.

All National units take much longer to train, but are less likely to antagonize the local population, and once created, are permanent unless disbanded (Warlord only).


Main article: Military Initiatives

Airstrikes: Occasionally launches an airstrike on a single zone that gives a temporary combat boost to allied units and destroys camps. Has a chance of killing insurgents in the targeted zone and can also hit civilians (Causes event). Prioritises zones with ongoing combat over zones with only insurgents.

  • Rapid Air Rotation 1- Decreases cooldown of airstrikes by 30%. Combining this with Pilot, airstrikes deploy more frequently.
  • Rapid Air Rotation 2- Same as above but 30%->40%
  • Heavy Ordnance- Significantly increases the strength of airstrikes but will make civilian casualties more likely.
  • Precision Munitions 1- Increases accuracy of airstrikes, decreasing the chance of civilian casualties but increases airstrike cooldown by 5%.
  • Precision Munitions 2- Same as above but 5%->7%

Drones: Temporarily gives intel on a zone. Helpful to find insurgent camps.

  • Combat Sensors- When scanning zones, drones increase combat strength of units(only applies to the targeted zone with a soldier in it). Useful when soldiers are struggling to defeat the insurgents.
  • Fuel and Endurance- Increases the time that a Surveillance Drone can remain in a zone. Synchronizes well with Combat Sensors.
  • Rapid Drone Rotation- Reduces cooldown of drone deployment by 40%. Synchronizes well with Combat Sensors if you want soldiers to have a combat boost.

Garrisons: Provides Intel and combat support to nearby soldiers.

  • Security checkpoints- Insurgents would have a longer time seizing control of zones that have garrisons. Also reveals insurgent camps in nearby zones if they have intel.
  • Civil support- Increases local Support Level in zones with a Garrison.
  • Combat reinforcements- Significantly increases combat bonuses that soldiers receive from garrisons.

Interpreters and guides: Soldiers gather Intel quicker and increases local Support Level

  • Human Terrain System- Soldiers gather intel quicker and coalition units become much less likely to antagonise locals.
  • Civil Assistance- Soldiers help in rolling out initiatives and increases local support levels.
  • Civil Integration- Same as above

Unique Governor Initiatives:


  • Punish deserters- Increases National Soldier strength but decreases support level.
  • Intimidation Tactics- Same as above


  • Military Inc.- Gain funds over time but increases corruption
  • Sell Arms- Gain $12-$14 but drastically decreases National Soldier strength. Generally not recommended, since Smuggler gain bonus money that scales with corruption unless you want to have airstrikes and drones early on.
  • Cut Corners- Gain $1-$2 and decreases National Soldier training time but decreases combat strength. This is fine but only use this when you have Arms Dealer, since he can replace the lost strength when funding this.


  • Business Advisors- Soldiers increase support level in zones they are located.


  • Underbarrel Attachments- Significantly increases combat strength of National Soldiers.
  • Artillery Upgrades- Same as above

Tank Commander:

  • Fuel Hoarding- Increases speed of all military units but decreases support level. Useful but make sure to fund more Civilian Initiatives to make up for the lost support level.
  • Advanced Driving Classes- Removes regional support penalties from Tank units, and prevents them from damaging road infrastructure.
  • Extra Tank- Gives you a Tank upgrade token to equip on a soldier.

Black Caves:

  • Cave Combat Tactics- Accelerates the speed of military forces clearing caves.

Map Features

  • Concrete Shortage - Garrison initiatives are unavailable. Does not prevent several other sources of Garrison spawns.
  • Fuel Shortage - Logistics cost drastically increased
  • National Surge - All military units are National Soldiers, which take less time to train even in absence of Coalition soldiers. Additional National Soldiers replacing the Coalition units generate more corruption risk than usual.
  • No-Fly Zone - Air initiatives unavailable (including drones)
  • Weak Supply Chains - Soldiers can only move to zones adjacent to soldiers or government structures.
  • Amphibious Support - Soldiers can support across rivers
  • Military Illiteracy - National soldiers costs significantly more to train. Warlord's National Soldiers retain their low costs.
  • Military Tradition - National soldiers are trained significantly faster but have decreased strength.
  • Scouts- Soldiers scout intel in neighboring zones. They will not discover insurgent camps unless they are physically in a zone.

National Unit Tactics

1-Star Player Tactics

Icon Description
Accelerated Training

Reduce training duration of National and Coalition Soldiers (but not experts) by -25%.

Advance Garrisons

Start the game with +2 Garrisons.

All-Terrain Tanks

Tanks can access and fight at full strength in all terrains.

Armoured Division

Start with a Tank Attachment deployed and ready to be attached to Soldiers.

Coordinated Fireteams

Soldiers can support each other while fighting.

Hot Wheels

Increase travel speeds through zones with or adjacent to an Expert.

Dangerous Driving

Tanks destroy 3 insurgent when entering a zone.

50% chance of occurring relative to other 1-star tactics

Heavy Fortifications

Government Structures are indestructible. Embassies can still be destroyed.

Modern Warfare

Increase combat strength of all Soldiers by +25%.

Remote Expertise

Start with a Remote Specialist Attachment deployed and ready to be attached to Soldiers.

33% chance of occurring relative to other 1-star tactics

Rural Expertise

Start with a Rural Specialist Attachment deployed and ready to be attached to Soldiers.

33% chance of occurring relative to other 1-star tactics

Urban Expertise

Start with an Urban Specialist Attachment deployed and ready to be attached to Soldiers.

33% chance of occurring relative to other 1-star tactics

Trip Wires

When destroyed, Garrisons kill all insurgents in their and the neighbouring zones.

2-Star Player Tactics

Icon Description
Advance National Soldier

Start with a National Soldier.

Advanced Warfare

Increase combat strength of all Soldiers by +50%.

Counter Intelligence

Insurgents lose their most recently adopted tactic for the remainder of the campaign.

80% chance of occurring relative to other 2-star tactics

Government Takeover

Insurgent camps become garrisons when destroyed.


Once Insurgency is rumoured, reveal Insurgent Camps immediately, including zones without intel.

Mass Advance Garrisons.

Start with +4 garrisons.


If insurgents are adjacent to a Garrison, they can only attack the Garrison. Doesn't affect HQ.

25% chance of occurring relative to other 2-star tactics

Propaganda Teams

Gain +5 Reputation when Insurgent Camps are destroyed.

Sniper Support

Fleeing insurgents take 1 casualty for every soldier and garrison assisting in the fight, including the one fighting directly.

Targeted Construction.

Manually choose garrison locations.

  • Significantly increase cooldown for building garrsion.

3-Star Player Tactics

Icon Description
On The Job Training

Coalition Soldiers leave National Soldier units behind when withdrawn.

5% chance of occurring relative to 2-star tactics

Personal Teleporters

Soldiers instantly travel across the region. Soldier logistics cost is always 0.

5% chance of occurring relative to 2-star tactics

Governor effects

Certain Governors have different abilities which can alter the gameplay regarding to National Soldiers.

The General, due to his heavy advocation on military solutions, has access to military initiatives in the beginning. He also has two additional initiatives that can further boost the strength of National Soldiers, providing him access with the strongest National Soldiers in the entire game. Additionally, he reduces their training time by 2 months.

The Warlord has a personal militia which act like National Soldiers. They cost much less time and resources to train initially, but will regularly demand bonuses (around $6). He can also disband the unit and increase insurgent recruitment or look the other way, significantly increasing corruption and possibly causing protests.

His soldiers naturally increase hostility in the zone they are in, but are slightly stronger by default. Much like the General, the Warlord has even cheaper means of boosting his National Soldiers' strength, but they reduce support level and are not as effective. The Warlord always starts with the militia security initiative.

The Smuggler has initiatives which provides passive income from National Soldiers on the map at the cost of increasing corruption. He can also weaken National Soldiers for more funds or to accelerate their training.

The Banker, if you have funded mobility initiatives for the National Soldiers, can purchase an additional initiative which hires advisors to accompany National soldiers, boosting local support levels.

The Tank Commander's first two National soldier units will have tank attachments. National Tanks, just like Coalition units, cause damage to local support levels. He can use Advanced Driving Lessons to reduce the penalty. He can also order hoarding of fuel to increase mobility but decrease support levels. The Tank Commander can also order an extra tank for Coalition or National units.

Advisor Effects

National Soldiers are affected by the following Advisors:

  • Instructor - National Soldiers can be trained without first purchasing Coalition soldiers. National Soldiers still take longer to train (~23 months or more) in absence of Coaliton Soldiers.
  • Arms Dealer - Increase starting Combat Strength of National Soldiers by 1.
  • Logistics Expert - All allied units can move faster through stabilized regions that are not under attack.
  • Tactician - When allied forces win battles insurgents are more likely to suffer casualties.
  • Drill Sergeant - Accelerates the training of National Soldiers by 16%.
  • Intelligence Officer - All allied soldiers can scout intel in neighboring zones.


  • The fact that Coalition units' presence reduces National units' training time may refer to how the National Army was assembled with elements of their Coalition equivalents.