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The Billionaire is the 4th special governor in the game and 9th governor overall.


The Billionaire uses his money to bribe insurgents, hoping to disband the entire insurgent movement through payouts.

Unlike most other governors, the Billionaire does not have access to normal military units. Instead, he can deploy up to three units of Coalition Facilitators. These Coalition Facilitators are only 40% as effective as a regular Coalition Soldiers, but never withdraw, and can bribe Insurgents with your funds to reduce insurgent fighter level by 1 per bribe (if player has the funds).

Unique Initiatives

For further information, see Government Initiatives#Billionaire and Military Initiatives#Billionaire.
  • Investment Portfolio (Government) - $10 - Enables Return Investment.
  • Return Investment (Government): Withdraw funds from The Billionaire's corporation. Returns the share spent on Investment Portfolio and allows it to be purchased again. The longer the investment stays, the more money it returns.
  • Forensic Accounting (Government) - $7 - Reduces Corruption Risk generated from bribes by 40%.
  • Corporate Charity (Government, replaces International Assistance) - $16 - Free initiatives will be provided over time, without increasing Corruption Risk but significantly increasing Inflation. Doesn’t trigger Charities Prepared to Help.
  • Deploy Coalition Facilitator (Military): Request permanent deployment of a Coalition Facilitator Unit.
  • Local Fixers (Military) - $7 - Removes penalty for bribes in Zones with no Intel.
  • Intimidation Tactics (Military) - $6 - Each supporting Coalition Facilitator in battle reduces the cost of bribes by $1. The bribe value itself cannot drop below $1



The Billionaire is unique in his ability to get things solved if the price is right, sometimes better than their usual alternatives. His ability to invest resources is equally powerful as well, able to profit significantly and cover any potential expenses with his approach on insurgents.


As a trade-off for his ability to literally remove insurgents from the table, the Billionaire must pay for every single fighter he has to eliminate. Paying them off doesn't come with only benefits due to the potential corruption increase, and it can leave him without sufficient resources for investment. Similarly, negotiations can also become rather expensive in terms of funds with the way he "combats" insurgents.

Governor Bonuses

  • Apologizing for civilian casualties from airstrikes never fail and cost less funds at the start.
  • Gain some funds for approving the construction of luxury hotel without security.
  • Gain some funds for providing pesticides to farmers.
  • Gain some funds for the option "Tax networks in the "Demand for TV and Media soars" event. Additional funds are gained if Investment Portfolio has been purchased.
  • The Volcanologist event in Devil's Peak requires (20-23)$ for guides, as no National Soldiers are available. This event is flagged as a governor bonus despite being a penalty.
  • Cannot choose the "Pay Off" option when the "Local Warlord Offers Support" decision appears.
  • Insurgent quantity is reduced when his region stability is beyond 75%.


Brewster's Millions
As the Billionaire, win a game with less than $10
Sole Trader
With the Billionaire governor, win a game with only 1 Coalition Facilitator


  • There is a bug where the Billionaire will not have any Facilitators during a National surge tactic, making him effectively useless.
  • He has more governor bonuses than other governor.
  • The achievement "Brewster's Millions" being associated with him is a reference to the eponymous novel and its subsequent adaptations, where protagonist Montgomery Brewster has to discreetly spend a very large amount of money within certain bounds in a limited period of time in order to gain an even larger sum of money. He eventually succeeds despite what he has to endure in order to get there. In this case, it refers to how the Billionaire quite literally throws money at problems and still comes out of it.