Military Initiatives

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Military initiatives are the third and final initiative category. Unlike Civilian and Government initiatives, who on focus building support among the population, military initiatives solely focus on your fighting force, using an international Coalition and a National Army in order to combat the Insurgent, but utterly useless in other ways, so you shouldn't purely focus on this initiative category.

Coalition Soldier Branch

Deploy Coalition Soldiers 1

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Reduces Global Support Level by 0.1 and increases Global Hostility Level by 0.5.
  • Increases all Military Costs by 5.0%.
  • Blocked until Insurgency is rumoured.

Request temporary deployment of an international Coalition Soldiers Unit (blue colour). Fast and effective in combat, but can antagonize local population.

Deploy Coalition Soldiers 2

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Reduces Global Support Level by 0.2 and increases Global Hostility Level by 0.6.
  • Increases all Military Costs by 5.0%.

Request temporary deployment of an international Coalition Soldiers Unit (blue colour). Fast and effective in combat, but can antagonize local population.

Deploy Coalition Soldiers 3

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Reduces Global Support Level by 0.3 and increases Global Hostility Level by 0.9.
  • Increases all Military Costs by 5.0%.

Request temporary deployment of an international Coalition Soldiers Unit (blue colour). Fast and effective in combat, but can antagonize local population.

Deploy Coalition Soldiers 4

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Reduces Global Support Level by 0.4 and increases Global Hostility Level by 1.6.
  • Increases all Military Costs by 5.0%.

Request temporary deployment of an international Coalition Soldiers Unit (blue colour). Fast and effective in combat, but can antagonize local population.

Deploy Coalition Soldiers 5

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.0; Corruption Risk 0.0%

  • Reduces Global Support Level by 0.5 and increases Global Hostility Level by 2.5.
  • Increases all Military Costs by 5.0%.

Request temporary deployment of an international Coalition Soldiers Unit (blue colour). Fast and effective in combat, but can antagonize local population.

National Soldier Branch

Deploy National Soldiers 1

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.5; Corruption Risk +8.0%

  • Increases all Military Costs by 3.0%.
  • Blocked until Insurgency is rumoured.

Slowly train a permanent National Soldier unit (green colour). Slower and weaker than Coalition soldiers but much less likely to antagonize locals.

Deploy National Soldiers 2

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.5; Corruption Risk +8.0%

  • Increases all Military Costs by 3.0%.

Slowly train a permanent National Soldier unit (green colour). Slower and weaker than Coalition soldiers but much less likely to antagonize locals.

National Travel Logistics

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.5; Corruption Risk +8.0%

  • Increases National Soldiers' movement speed.
  • Increases National Soldiers' combat strength by 1.0.

Provide four-wheel vehicles and personnel carriers for National Soldiers, enabling them to move more efficiently across more difficult terrain.

Deploy National Soldiers 3

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.5; Corruption Risk +9.0%

  • Increases all Military Costs by 3.0%.

Slowly train a permanent National Soldier unit (green colour). Slower and weaker than Coalition soldiers but much less likely to antagonize locals.

National Arms Upgrades

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.5; Corruption Risk +3.0%

  • Increases National Soldiers' combat strength by 4.0.

Retire National soldiers' aging equipment and replace it with modern equivalents.

Deploy National Soldiers 4

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.5; Corruption Risk +10.0%

  • Increases all Military Costs by 3.0%.

Slowly train a permanent National Soldier unit (green colour). Slower and weaker than Coalition soldiers but much less likely to antagonize locals.

Anti-IED Vehicle Upgrades

Inflation Gain 1.0; Inflation Sensitivity 0.5; Corruption Risk +3.0%

  • Increases National Soldiers' combat strength by 4.0.

Provide National soldiers with heavily armoured vehicles, such as MRAPs, to better protect them against ambushes and Improvised Explosive Devices.

Garrison Branch

Garrisons are outposts manned by National soldiers that block off insurgent escape routes and provides supply or reinforcements to soldiers engaged in battle. They are your most important military asset due to their ability to funnel the insurgents into "killing grounds", where enemies can be surrounded and captured by relatively few soldiers.

  • Garrisons - Authorize construction of Garrisons in zones with intel. Suitable locations will be identified over time. Garrisons provide Intel and combat support to nearby soldiers: After funding this initiative, decisions offering a Garrison will occasionally appear in a zone around your soldiers. This costs a bit of money, but Garrisons play such an important role that they should always be built. Will also instantly reveal insurgent camps in zones with Garrisons in them.
  • Security Checkpoint - Garrisons set up fortified checkpoints around the zone to detect and hinder enemy activity. Improves zone security, making it harder for insurgents to take control: Although Garrisons will block insurgent escape route, they do not protect the zone from direct attacks, and this helps them in a similar fashion to security initiatives. This initiative also allows Garrisons to reveal insurgent camps in nearby zones if they have intel.
  • Civil Support - Garrison forces integrate with local communities and help give a sense of security by guarding public areas such as markets and government buildings. Increases local Support Level in zones with a Garrison: This initiative is not particularly useful in a typical game, as it comes fairly late and garrisons are too random to be included in a Stabilization plan, although they can work well in the late game.
  • Combat Reinforcements - Have Garrisons liaise with deployed soldiers to reinforce them during combat situations. Significantly increases combat bonuses that soldiers receive from Garrisons: An important upgrade and most likely a must-buy, as Garrisons often appear near hotzones which can greatly assist allied forces..

Interpreters Branch

  • Interpreters & Guides - Embed interpreters and local guides within each soldier unit to help them communicate with local communities. Soldiers gather Intel quicker and increase local Support Level: a must-pick initiative, unless Regional Census has been funded in the Government category. Soldiers without proper Intel are weaker in combat and cannot block insurgent escape, leaving them stuck and blind in hostile territory.
  • Human Terrain System - Embed experts in local anthropology, religious concerns, and political science within each soldier unit. Soldiers gather Intel quicker. Coalition soldiers become much less likely to antagonise locals: Can be picked to minimize coalition soldier's damage on local support level, as well as significantly speeding up intel gathering to avoid wasting time.
  • Civil Assistance - Allow soldiers to help out local communities when not engaged in combat or gathering Intel. Soldiers help roll out Initiatives and increase local Support Level. Only useful if you plan a total victory, as a opposed to negotiating a favorable peace deal.
  • Civil Integration - Order soldiers to assist local workers with equipment, power and resources where it is the most needed. Soldiers help roll out Initiatives and increase local Support Level. As above. This Initiative is only useful when aiming for total victory, either by accelerating the stabilization of the most distant regions, or secure additional supporters for the final score.

Drones Branch

  • Surveillance Drones - Authorise use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to provide surveillance capability and track threats on the ground. This is an important initiative, especially when paired with Airstrikes. The UAV can help find the Insurgent camps and the Airstrikes can destroy it right after.
  • Combat Sensors - Integrate Surveillance Drone hardware/software with on-the-ground forces to provide real time combat intel. Surveillance Drones boost soldier's combat strength.
  • Fuel and Endurance - Upgrade the fuel capacity of your Surveillance Drone fleet, letting them fly further for longer, and in adverse weather. Increases the time that a Surveillance Drone can remain in a zone. Only pick when you have Combat Sensors as the combat bonus only stays while the drone is in the zone.
  • Rapid Drone Rotation - Expand maintenance crews to reduce turnaround time to prepare drones. Decreases cool down for Surveillance Drone deployment by 40%.

Airstrikes Branch

  • Airstrikes - Authorise airstrikes and bombing runs against Insurgent fighters. Provides significant combat bonuses to soldiers. Warning: civilian casualties are possible. Always useful for destroying camps and causing small casualties in large Insurgent groups. The Casualties are highly unlikely to occur when hitting small Insurgent groups.
  • Rapid Air Rotation - Deploy extra aircrews and maintainers to significantly reduce airplane turnaround times. Decreases cooldown of Airstrikes by 30%.
  • Rapid Air Rotation 2 - Provide in-air refueling tankers to allow aircraft to remain on station for longer. Decreases cooldown of Airstrikes by 40%.
  • Heavy Ordnance - Airstrikes use more powerful ordnance, such as bunker busters and cluster munitions. Significantly increases strength of Airstrikes but makes civilian casualties more likely.
  • Precision Munitions 1 - Upgrade ordnance to use advanced satellite imaging integration and increase airstrike accuracy. Decreases the risk of civilian casualties but increases cooldown by 5%.
  • Precision Munitions 2 - Enroll in Advanced Kill System testing programs and update Airstrikes to use advanced guidance technology but increases cooldown by 7%.



  • Punish Deserters - Warlord dedicates resources to finding National soldier deserters and has them killed to 'encourage' the rest. Increases National soldier strength, but decreases Support Level. [+2.5 national soldier strength | -1 global support level | +1 global hostility]
  • Intimidation Tactics - Warlord publicly threatens National soldiers and their families with 'collective responsibility' for failure to win in combat. Increases National soldier strength, but decreases Support Level. [+2.5 national soldier strength | -1 global support level | +1 global hostility]


  • Military Inc. - Smuggler allows National soldiers to set up and run local businesses... in return for a cut. Gains money over time for each National Soldier unit but increases Corruption.
  • Sell Arms - Smuggler siphons gear and weapons away from National soldiers, in order to make a 'killing' elsewhere. Decreases National soldier strength. [-4 national soldier strength]
  • Cut Corners - Smuggler orders review of National soldier training procedures, and cuts to 'non-essential' elements. Decreases National soldier training time, but decreases National soldier strength. [-2 national soldier strength | national soldier training time -50 turns (8.3 months)]


  • Business Advisors - Banker attaches business advisors and trainers to Soldier units to support and train local business people. Soldiers increase local Support Levels.

Tank Commander

  • Fuel Hoarding - Ration distribution of fuel and confiscate it from civilians as needed to ensure the military get all the fuel they need. Increase speed of military units, but decrease Support Levels [-3 global support level | +4 global hostility ]
  • Extra tank - Deploy an additional tank upgrade to equip on a soldier. Tanks are powerful in combat but can't enter difficult terrain, support other soldiers or gather intel. They cause significant disruption to civilian life.

Black Caves

  • Cave Combat Tactics - Develop tactics to allow soldiers to rapidly remove insurgents from cave complexes.


  • Modular Construction - Provide heavy loading vehicles, necessary to enable berm construction techniques and HESCO barriers. Reduces cooldown for Garrisons Ability. - Reduces cooldown by 30%
  • Faked Intelligence - Convince insurgents you have full intel in combat zones, increasing their likelihood of accepting bribes. Bribes no longer cost extra in zones with no intel.


Name Global




Corruption Base Cost
National Arms Upgrades 0 0 0.03 10
Anti-IED Vehicle Upgrades 0 0 0.03 10
National Travel Logistics 0 0 0.04 9
Cave Combat Tactics 0 0 0 9
Airstrikes 0 0 0 13
Heavy Ordnance 0 0 0 9
Precision Munitions 1 0 0 0 8
Precision Munitions 2 0 0 0 13
Rapid Air Rotation 0 0 0 11
Rapid Air Rotation 2 0 0 0 16
Garrisons 0 0 0.02 8
Security Checkpoints 0 0 0.02 5
Civil Support 0 0 0.03 2
Combat Reinforcements 0 0 0 5
Surveillance Drones 0 0 0 8
Rapid Drone Rotation 0 0 0 7
Fuel And Endurance 0 0 0 4
Combat Sensors 0 0 0 6
Deploy Coalition Soldiers 1 -0.1 0 0 7
Deploy Coalition Soldiers 2 -0.2 0 0 8
Deploy Coalition Soldiers 3 -0.3 0 0 10
Deploy Coalition Soldiers 4 -0.4 0 0 14
Deploy Coalition Soldiers 5 -0.5 0 0 20
Deploy Coalition Soldiers 1* -0.1 0 0 8
Deploy Coalition Soldiers 2* -0.1 0 0 10
Deploy Coalition Soldiers 3* -0.1 0 0 16
Deploy Coalition Soldiers 4* -0.1 0 0 24
Deploy National Soldiers 5 0 0 0.15 14
Deploy National Soldiers 1 0 0 0.08 8
Deploy National Soldiers 2 0 0 0.08 8
Deploy National Soldiers 3 0 0 0.09 9
Deploy National Soldiers 4 0 0 0.1 10
Deploy National Soldiers 1* 0 0 0.08 8
Deploy National Soldiers 2* 0 0 0.08 8
Deploy National Soldiers 3* 0 0 0.09 9
Deploy National Soldiers 4* 0 0 0.1 10
Secure Compounds 0 0 0 5
Interpreters & Guides 0 0 0.005 3
Human Terrain System 0 0 0.005 4
Civil Assistance 0 0 0.02 4
Civil Integration 0 0 0.02 6
Artillery Upgrades 0 0 0 7
Underbarrel Attachments 0 0 0 7
Business Advisors 0 0 0 4
Cut Corners 0 0 0 -2
Military Inc. 0 0 0 2
Sell Arms 0 0 0 -13
Blockades -1 0 0.05 0
Punish Deserters -1 0 0.02 3
Intimidation Tactics -1 0 0.02 3
Extra tank 0 0 0 8
Advanced Driving Classes 0 0 0 5
Fuel Hoarding -3 0 0.05 0

* only available when the Coalition Surge or National Surge map effect is active