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When your playing a game in Rebel Inc., several decisions may appear that prompt the player to take actions. These decisions are indicated as a box with arrow (balloon pop-up) with an exclamation in a certain zone, which lasts for 3 months and cannot be ignored which pauses your game until you make a choice. The colors of the decision pop-ups can be blue, yellow, green, or white. The colors indicate what type of decision it is.

When choosing an option, you have about 1 second to revert your option before the option is chosen. You can revert the option by tapping it quickly.

Decisions often affect your operation depending on what you choose. For example, it can affect your Reputation, Support Level, Inflation, or Corruption. The increase in Corruption or Corruption Risk is affected by how many Anti-Corruption initiatives you have.

Decisions never occur in the time after a peace deal is signed but before the game is won.


If Trained Monkey is picked as an advisor. it can randomly pick one decision if the player refuses to respond, including ones they can't enact.

(#%) symbol indicates that the following response has a percentage chance of happening and is not always guaranteed

Coalition Events

Coalition events appear as blue box arrows, usually involving in their request to withdraw a unit. They do not occur with Billionaire as his Coalition Facilitators never withdraw.

There are two Coalition events:

Coalition Tour of Duty Over

This Event occurs once a Coalition troop has been on the board for too long. Coalition troops may request to be recalled earlier or later depending on various factors. These can include the Chef advisor, constantly fighting impossible battles or scoring numerous victories against insurgents.


  • If the War Hero advisor or the player tactic Morale Boost is present while the decision is appearing and the unit won the fight, will make this decisions temporary disappear in 2 months.
  • If Military Recruiter advisor or map features Extended Deployment apply, locks options Extends for Tours of Duty.
  • If the Private Military Contractors player tactic is active, reputation costs are replaced with funds.
Title Send Unit Home Extend for One Tour of Duty Extend for Two Tours of Duty
  • Disbands Coalition Unit.
  • Support Level lost when by its deployment compensated.
  • Slightly increases Insurgent Capability.
  • Extends deployment of Coalition Units by roughly a one-half year.
  • Costs at least 6 Reputation, depending on the total amount of deployed Coalition units, the number of existing ones and quantity of extensions.
  • Extends deployment of Coalition Units by roughly a three years.
  • Costs at least 10 Reputation, depending on the total amount of deployed Coalition units, the number of existing ones and quantity of extensions.

Coalition to withdraw soldiers

If you have at least three Coalition units active, a news popup that says: "Another war distracts the Coalition“ may appear. This serves as a warning to that they are going to need one of your Coalition units on board to be withdrawn in order to help another war in another country.

If a specialist/Tank unit gets withdrawn, it will be replaced by a regular soldier unit.

Title Prevent Allow Negotiate
  • Lose the amount of Reputation as a deployment extension One Tour of Duty.
  • A random Coalition soldier, possibly one in combat, withdraws from the map.
  • A replacement will be provided after random (50-70) turns.
  • Gain the "Desert Storm" achievement.
  • A random Coalition Soldier, possibly one in combat, withdraws from the map.
Other effects n/a n/a This choice is randomized in terms of the outcome Angers Coalition forces is always present along with up to 2 of the other outcomes.
    1. % Angers Coalition forces:
    • Decreases reputation by 5
    • Chance increase based on number of current Coalition units.
  • #% Rapid replacement:
    • Coalition forces will give you a replacement soldier within random (25-35) turns after the withdraw.
      • Percentage chance can not be higher than 70%.
      • Percentage hance is reduced by number of National Soldier units in the map.
      • If not possible, the Coalition will simply supply one at a later date. (50-70 turns)
  • #% Compensation:
    • The Coalition will give you a certain amount of funds $(7-12) to compensate for the withdrawn unit
    • Percentage chance decreases based on the total region stability percentage.

National soldier decisions

Represented by green box arrows.

Warlords national soldiers restless

This usually happens every 2.5 years or annually if they are losing fights.


  • May provide an Insurgent recruitment bonus (chance depends on Insurgent Control and number join to Insurgent depends how many time you pay to national soldier).
  • Withdraws a National Soldier unit.

Pay bonus

  • Starts at 6$, increase +1$ for each pay and has no cap.

Turn a blind eye

  • Significantly increases Corruption. Min: 70% (count when has 4 team AC, if has no team AC, the chance go to 100%).
  • Locals will protest, resulting in increased hostility and reduced support level. Chances are inversely proportional to general stability.
  • Insurgent recruitment bonus applies if abused repeatedly


The Garrison initiative needs to be purchased before they can appear.

Build garrison

  • Cost (3-6)$
  • A garrison has been constructed in that zone, it will give bonus to intels, support other soldiers and cut off insurgent escape routes, can't defend against direct attacks from insurgents and will be destroyed if that zone it is in is controlled by insurgents.

Reject location

  • A prompt will appear later in any zone without an existing Garrison/HQ.
  • Reduce current cooldown build garrison by 55%.

High desertion rates among National Soldiers

Occurs if National units are struggling in fights.

When this decision is appear, reduce national strength by 1

Increase Pay

  • Cost (5-8)$
  • Increases National Soldier strength (by 2)


  • #% Insurgent recruitment bonus
  • Revert National Soldier strength loss.
  • #% Anger over justice hypocrisy (If Universal Justice is active, chance depend of current PR)

Embed Coalition Soldiers

Can only be chosen if the amount of existing Coalition units equates to or exceeds those of National ones.

  • Significantly increases National Soldier strength (by 3)
  • Decreases Coalition Soldier strength (by 4)

National Soldiers requests for air support

National Soldiers are requesting for air support as only Coalition Soldiers have access to air support across the region.

New air force

  • Cost (12-14)$
  • Increases National Soldier Strength (by 1.5)

Shared airforce

  • Increases National Soldier strength (by 1)
  • Decreases Coalition Soldier strength (by 1)

No airforce

  • #% Morale drop (Reduces National Soldier Strength by 1)

National soldier has died

A national soldier unit has been overwhelmed by insurgent forces. How should we proceed?

Appear when insurgents has tactic Overwhelming Force and battle progress drops to 10%.

Fund Recruitment

  • Cost 6$
  • Train a new national soldier unit.
  • Very Significantly increase Corruption. (+10% Corruption Risk)

Fund the recruitment of new national soldiers.

Recruit Militia

  • Training a new national soldier.
  • #% Very Significantly increase Corruption. (+11% Corruption Risk)
  • Very Significantly increase Corruption again. (+10% Corruption Risk)

Recruit replacement soldiers from the militia of a local warlord ally.

Do nothing

Accept the loss as a consequence of war.

Peace Decisions

If you have won many battle in pushing the insurgents back and/or destroying them, a white box arrow with a green exclamation mark will spawn in the zone with your HQ, this indicates that you have managed to contact the insurgent leaders and have to decide if you want to talk with them or not.

Contact established

Try to talk

  • #% Insurgents refuses talks (Reputation Loss)
    • This chance depends on your progress with the insurgents and your zone stability, if you haven't destroyed any insurgents or have little zones stabilized, the leaders are less willing to talk. Otherwise, if the player was effective in destroying the insurgency, they will be more willing to negotiate.
    • If they would not reject talks, the option instead says "No chance of insurgents refusing talks".


  • Delay the peace talk and will re-contact in the future
  • #% Decrease Support Level, depending on the #% of Insurgents refusing talks. (Very Significantly is -5)


This option will not make the insurgents happy but the opposite for the Coalitions, this option makes you threaten the insurgents with military and gains 3 Reputation for standing up to them, this makes the insurgents angry and slightly increases their insurgent capability. However, at higher difficulties, if you have already won many battles against the insurgents or have chosen to threaten the insurgents or delay the talks in the past, you will have a chance of up to 100% of severely angering the population.

  • Threaten them with military and impress the international partners. (+3 Reputation, reduce if play Campaign)
  • Slightly increases the insurgent capability.
  • #% Catastrophically decrease Support Level. (Mega Brutal only) (-13, Increase Hostility by 13)

Peace negotiations

You will be given multiple decisions when the negotiations progress far enough.

  • Political Participation
  • Victim reparations
  • Future Coalition Presence
  • Transitional Justice
  • Decommissioning

Regardless, each choice is similar:

Give in to insurgents

  • Insurgents to govern
  • Government apologies (to the victims of the conflict)
  • All international presence withdrawn
  • Full insurgent amnesty
  • Insurgents keep all weapons

This will cost you a lot of Reputation (~15) while accelerating negotiations. Some of them may result in "84% Anger over justice hypocrisy" if Universal Justice has been purchased.


  • Insurgents set up party
  • Insurgents and Government apologies (to the victims of the conflict)
  • Most international forces withdrawn
  • Imprison some insurgency leaders
  • Insurgents hand in heavy weapons

This will cost you some Reputation (~7) and additionally a small amount of funds for Billionaire. Chances of insurgent objections are generally lower.

Refuse insurgent demands

  • Insurgents banned (in government)
  • Insurgents apologies (to the victims of the conflict)
  • International forces remain indefinitely
  • Imprison all insurgent leaders
  • Insurgents hand in all weapons

This will increase your Reputation by 4 but will antagonize insurgents (increasing their capability), and additionally cost slighly more funds than compromising to them for Billionaire. They are likely to object if the situation is still somewhat beneficial to them (I.E. significant insurgence presence in the region), causing Peace talks to be set back.

These choices will only appear once each per game.

Peace negotiations complete

When peace negotiations are complete, you will receive a decision "peace negotiations complete".


  • Will significantly speed up stabilization of all zones, ending the game in an effective victory.
  • Costs a large amount of funds for Billionaire.
  • Reputation will drop depending on any compromises given, the current quantity of active fighters and the amount of zones they are active in or currently controlling. Game mechanics prohibit it from dropping below 1.

Demand Concessions

  • Gain 4 Reputation (drops by 1 each time it is chosen again, down to 1) and reduce negotiations progress to ~70%.

Reject Deal

  • Gain 10 Reputation (drops by 3 each time it is chosen again, down to 1) and will restart negotiations completely as well as removing the penalties of compromises and fulfilled demands given to them.

Miscellaneous decisions

These are the most common decisions, represented by yellow box arrows. They are divided into infrastructure, conflicts, Government decisions, military decisions and dam decisions (Azure Dam exclusive).

Infrastructure decisions (Region-wide)

These decisions all have the same set of choices, with differences in Support Level boost, price, and chances for Corruption and extra costs. They will only appear if an appropriate has been purchased beforehand.


  • Increase Support Level
  • #% Increase Corruption (usually 70%)
  • #% Costs overrun (usually 70%, costs around the same as choosing this option or less)

Allows the project to be built. The lower cost runs higher chances of increasing Corruption, increasing the cost, or both

NOTE: if costs overrun and you have less money, you may run into debt and have negative money but will not suffer otherwise.

Approve with oversight

  • Increase Support Level
  • #% Slightly increase Corruption (usually 40%)
  • #% Costs overrun (usually 30%, the maximum overrun amount is halved)

Same as above. The cost range is doubled and requires the zone to have full Intel, but reduces the chance of negative consequences

Reject project

Refuse to build the building. No consequences.

New university/hospital etc. proposed

The same as above.

New park/museum etc. proposed

Slightly Increase Support Level instead, and have lower chances of extra costs.

New power station etc. proposed. This spawns only after Electricity 1 has been purchased.

Significantly Increase Support Level instead, and have higher chances of extra costs.

Available Region Projects
Project Name Cost (Normal/Oversight) Support Level Hostility Level Corruption (Normal/Oversight) Requirement
Power Plant High (9-12$/15-20$) High (+3) Medium (-1.5) High (+11%/+1.5%) Electricity 1
Hospital Medium (4-5$/6-8$) Medium (+2) Low (-1) Medium(+6%/+4%) Core Health Care
University Low (3-5$/6-8$) Medium (+2) Low (-1) Low(3.5%/1.5%) School Rehabilitation
Park Very Low (2-3$/4-6$) Low (+1) Very Low (-0.5) Low(3.5%/1.5%) Urban Outreach 1
Museum Very Low (2-3$/4-6$) Low (+1) Very Low (-0.5) Low(3.5%/1.5%) Development Bank

Those projects are helpful in increasing Support Level, without increasing Inflation, being Inflation sensitive, or having Governor specific increased costs.

Infrastructure decisions (Zone)

New pomegranate/pistachio factory/Pistachio Cultivation Centre proposed

Has the exact same choices as above, but significantly Increase Zone Support level instead, and has higher chances of extra costs

Pomegranate Factory - Increase Zone Support Level by 4,5

Pistachio Cultivation Centre - Increase Zone Support Level by 3

Pistachio Factory - Increase Zone Support Level by an unknown amount

New (sports) league proposed

Significant Funding

  • Significantly Increase Zone Support Level (+3,5)
    1. % Significantly Increase Corruption
  • #% Costs overrun

Agree to fund a region-wide tournament. More expensive and higher chances of extra costs.

Limited Funding

  • Increase Zone Support Level (+2)
  • #% Increase Corruption
  • #% Costs overrun

Agree to fund a single team in the zone.

Reject Project

Refuse to provide funds. No consequences

New Breeding Programme for (animal) proposed (requires Livestock Development)

Same choices as above. However, it will increase Zone Support Level (+1,5 and +0,5) to a lower degree and has higher chances for Corruption and extra costs

Available Local Projects
Project Name Cost (Significant/Limited) Support Level Hostility Level Corruption (Significant/Limited) Requirement
Breeding Program Low (4-5$/1-2$) Unknown Unknown Unknown Livestock Development
Sport Medium (6-8$/2-4$) Unknown Unknown Unknown 3 or more zones is stability
Juice Factory Low (5-8$/3-5$) Unknown Unknown Unknown Crop Development
Pistachio Production Low (5-8$/3-5$) Unknown Unknown Unknown Crop Development

New luxury hotel proposed

Sometime in the game, the biggest Urban Zone might propose to build a luxurious hotel to attract tourists.


  • Unknown chance of long term tourism boom. (may receive 3 Reputation after some time)
  • Increases zone support level
  • May trigger Insurgents fire rockets from luxury hotel rooftop event, which spawns insurgent fighters in the zone.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Billionaire: The Billionaire personally profits from this decision and pays a dividend to [Operation Name's]. Gain $X.

Approve plus security

Requires at least one security initiative purchased.

  • Cost (5-7)$
  • Results are identical to the Approve decision in addition to blocking the insurgent event from spawning.


  • 100% Significantly decrease Zone Support level

Demand for TV and Media soars

The number of people watching TV is growing rapidly and a number of commercial networks have been set up. How should (operation name) engage with the industry?

Has a small chance appear after player buy "Telecoms I" initiative.

Subsidize TV

  • Increase Support Level (+2) and Decrease Hostility level (-1)
  • Cost (5-8)$
  • #% Significantly increase Corruption
  • #% Costs overrun

Agree to subsidize the rollout of TV equipment to the region

Tax networks

  • Gain (5-30)$ (Depend of current % number support population)
  • #% Increase Corruption
  • #% Decrease Support Level (Chance is inversely proportional to existing support level)
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Billionaire: The Billionaire personally profits from this decision and pays a dividend to [Operation Name's]. Gain $X.

Tax profitable commercial networks

Get involved

  • Gain 3 Reputation
  • Cost (3-5)$
  • #% Increase Corruption

Fund a state broadcaster to cover (operation name)'s achievements

Rumors of Insurgent smugglers

There will be a rumor of Insurgent smugglers in a region without Intel.

Garrisons and military units positioned there will provide exact chance values.

Launch raid

  • Unknown chances of it being a local tribal dispute. (reduces local support and increases hostility)
    • Otherwise, insurgent capability drops.

Dismiss concerns

  • Unknown chances of the tribes working for the insurgents (increases insurgent capability)
    • Otherwise, nothing happens.

Pay off

  • Cost (4-6)$
  • #% increases Corruption

Pay off the two tribes to work for you, increases Support level and Corruption.

Coalition stop and search causing anger

Villagers are complaining that male Coalition soldiers are frisking local women during searches. However, Coalition soldiers deny that this is happening and say that local women are only ever searched by female soldiers. Support level has fallen, how should we proceed?

This decision is accompanied by a support penalty and hostility boost.

Back Soldiers

  • Reduce support level by 1.0

Reduces support level.

Back Villagers

  • Increase support level by 1.0
  • Reduces coalition combat strength by 2

Coalition units will suffer from a strength penalty.


  • Cost (3-5)$
  • Removes the support penalty and hostility boost associated with the event.

Support level is increased. The investigation will always reveal that locals were unaware of soldiers' genders when they are performing searches, causing major misunderstandings, and in the future Coalition units will remove their own helmets while frisking.

Warlord offers support

A local warlord has approached you and offered to support [Operation Name's] in return for payment and patronage. What will [Operation Name's] do?

Pay them

  • Cost $X (increase by current number hostile population in zone)
  • Reduce number local hostility.
  • #% increase Corruption.
  • [Billionaire Penalty: The Billionaire will not work with third-party middlemen. Locks this option.]

Give the warlord what they want, decrease number of local hostiles.

Arrest Them

  • #% Warlord escapes (insurgents spawn in the zone)
  • If the Warlord does not escape:
    • Reduce corruption (multiplies already existing Corruption Risk by 0.9)
    • Gain 3 reputation.

Charge the warlord with corruption offenses and try to arrest them.

Ignore Them

  • #% slightly increase Corruption.
  • Bugged and does not decrease local support levels.

Don't communicate with the warlord or take any action.

Archeological finds discovered

Reports are coming in that a group of children in a remote part of the region have discovered the ruins of an ancient temple. How should we proceed?

Fund excavation

  • Cost (6-8)$
  • #% slightly increase Corruption.
  • #% Publicity boosts Reputation (Gain 4 Reputation)

Fund an archeological team to excavate the ruins as soon as possible.


  • Gain (4-6)$
  • #% Significantly decrease local Support Level (-4.4).
  • #% increase Corruption.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Billionaire: The Billionaire personally profits from this decision and pays a dividend to [Operation Name's]. Gain $X.

Sell the land containing the find to a private consortium.

Do nothing

  • Increase local Support Level (+1.4).
  • Gain a "Let the dead sleep" achievement.

Leave the discovery untouched to avoid disturbing nearby villages.

Government decisions

Journalist requests access

A foreign journalist is requesting access to your operation


  • #% Publicity boosts your Reputation

Allows the journalist to view your operation. If you have the PR and Media Office, it will always result in +1 Reputation

Over time, if your operation is successful, the journalist will praise it and further increase your Reputation, but if you are losing and lacking stability, the journalist will criticize you and you will lose Reputation.


  • 100% international anger

Refuses the journalist access to your operation, will always result in a decrease in Support Level and reduces 2 Reputation

Foreign Rival supporting the Insurgents

It has become increasingly clear that a rival country is supporting the Insurgents, in the form of weapons and manpower.


  • Cost 8$ (increase by +2$ for each use)
  • If this succeeds, the Rival slightly cuts their support, reducing insurgent capability. The other two options become slightly less effective. Otherwise, insurgent capability remains unchanged.
  • Chance proportional high by of military present.

Subtle pressure

Requires Foreign Relations Office.

  • #% Rival cuts support for insurgents. If this succeeds, the rival slightly cuts their support. The chances of success and its overall effectiveness slowly increases, and increase further if choosing this options many times. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Publicly Accuse

    1. % Rival cuts support for insurgents. If this succeeds, the rival significantly cuts their support, otherwise insurgent capability is not changed. The chances of success and its overall effectiveness slowly increases. (Chance lower than "Subtle pressure" about 3 times)
    2. % Accusation backfire. If this backfires, insurgent capability is increased, and the chances of success will drop by a considerable amount.
  • Gain the "Out of the Shadows" achievement.

How would we plan for democratic elections?

If you've unlocked the Democratic elections initiative, there's a chance to appear popup that'll tell you that you should plan for the upcoming elections

Plan elections

Plan elections within three years, increases Reputation

Prioritize elections

Rush elections and plan it within 1 year, will cost more but rewards more Reputation

Postpone elections

  • Lose 2 Reputation (increase 1 for each delay).

Democratic elections due to begin

Once elections are about to start, a popup will tell you on how should the elections proceed. Elections occur every 3 years.

Insurgent disruption chance is based on their current presence. If they succeed, 9 reputation is deducted with escalating penalties 4 reputation for every failure.

Full elections

  • +5 Reputation (every future full election adds one less reputation until it reaches one)
    1. % Insurgents will disrupt the election.
  • Gain the "Have your say" achievement.

Meet [Operation Name's] commitments to roll out democracy across the whole region

Limited elections

  • -1 Reputation (+1 penalty every limited election)
    1. % Insurgents will disrupt the election (chances are lower than Full Elections).

Elections only held in secure zones.

No elections

  • -2 Reputation
    1. % International anger (After the first no elections, cause to lose 3 reputation)
  • Delay for Elections by 1 year.

Refuse to hold the elections.

Judge at the center of Corruption scandal

A newspaper has uncovered evidence that a prominent judge has been taking large bribes to throw court rulings. What we will do?

Has a little chance to appear, not depend by current corruption.


  • Reduce corruption (multiplies already existing Corruption Risk by 0.9)
  • Increase Support Level (+3).
    1. % no qualified replacement, causing reputation to drop by 5. (Max is 75%, chances are inversely proportional to general stability)


    1. % Decreases Support Level (-2) and Increases Hostility Level (+2)
    2. % Anger over justice hypocrisy (If Universal Justice is active, chance depend of current PR)

Ignore the judge, everyone makes mistakes. Will almost always decrease Support Level

Cover Up

  • Cost $5
    1. % International anger
    2. % Decrease Support Level
    3. % Anger over justice hypocrisy (If Universal Justice is active, chance depend of current PR)

Cover up the findings, will almost always reduce Reputation

New Police chief committing human rights abuses

This will eventually appear once Local Police Recruitment has been purchased and is pre-announced by a pop-up notifying his questionable methods.


    1. % Decrease Support Level
    2. % Anger over justice hypocrisy (If Universal Justice is active, chance depend of current PR)


  • Lose security bonus (by 30%)
  • If arrested for the first time, this give you the Achievement I Am The Law.


  • Cost (3-5)$
    1. % International anger
    2. % Anger over justice hypocrisy (If Universal Justice is active, chance depend of current PR)
  • Security bonus is increased (by +10%).

Farmers hit by infestation

Farmers in [Zone Name's] are reporting terrible harvests due to aphid infestations, which are destroying their crops. What will [Operation Name's] give them?

If the farms collapse, insurgents will spawn. (Chance is reduce by current zone % stability)


  • Cost (3-5)$
    1. % farms collapse. Chances are between the other two options.


  • Cost (6-8)$
    1. % farms collapse. Chances are generally lower than the other two options.
  • Increases local support level (+3).
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Billionaire: The Billionaire personally profits from this decision and pays a dividend to [Operation Name's]. Gain $X.

Do nothing

    1. % farms collapse. Chances are generally higher than the other two options.
  • Increases local hostile level.

Natural disaster strikes a zone

Name of disaster varies (Earthquake, Flood, Drought, Mudslide). You can only provide aid if insurgents were not in control of the region.

Mudslide disaster only appear zone is mountain, Flood disaster only appear zone nearby rivers and Drought disaster only appear zone not near rivers and non urban.

Basic aid

  • Cost (2-4)$
  • Increase zone Support Level
  • Slightly increase Corruption

Extensive aid

Requires full intel on the zone.

  • Cost (5-7)$
  • Very significantly increase zone Support Level
  • Significantly increase Corruption

No aid

  • Decrease Support Level
  • Insurgents may gain a recruitment bonus and help locals, increasing hostility and decreasing Support Level even further.
Possible Region Disasters - change in Support Level
Disaster Name No aid Basic Aid Significant Aid
Earthquake -2.5 1.4 3.9
Mudslide -2.5 1.4 3.9
Floods -2.5 1.4 3.9
Drought -2.5 1.4 3.9

Prison reforms considered

A review has found that the regional prison system is significantly below international standards. It proposes new policies around prisoner care and judicial processes. How will we respond?

Full reform

  • Cost (6-9)$
  • Gain (2-4) reputation

Immediately implement all recommendations from the review.

No reform

    1. % International anger (lost 4 reputation)

Reject proposals and keep prison system unchanged.

Limited reform

  • Cost (2-3)$

Slowly roll out the most important recommendations but ignore the rest.

Operation runs large budget surplus

Costs vary and escalates if the same option was continuously chosen over time.

There is always a chance to result in corruption.

  • Increase Support Level (+3 to ? based on ?).

Fund Military

  • Increase National Soldier Strength

Do nothing

    1. % Annual budget penalty

Women’s rights laws proposed

New laws are being proposed to improve women's rights and come closer to meeting international equality standards. Will [Operation Name's] back the reforms?

No reform

    1. % International anger. (Lose 2 reputation)

Refuse to offer [Operation Name's] backing for the reforms. May trigger event "Women sentenced to death" in the future, reducing reputation by 5.

Gradual reform

  • Increase Support Level in Urban zones (+0,75).
    1. % International anger. (Lose 2 reputation, chances are lower than No Reform)

Action a slow roll out for the new laws.

Full reform

  • Gain 4 reputation
  • Increase Support Level in Urban zones (+0,75).
    1. % Conservative backlash. (Reduces local support in Rural/Remote zones [-1,5], increases global hostility [1,5])

Instruct officials to rapidly implement the new laws.

Protests against new women's rights laws.

Councillors from some zones are actively campaigning against the new equality laws, intended to introduce robust new rights for women. What should we do ?

This with appear after the decision "Women’s rights laws proposed" (not choose option No reform) in few months.

Roll back reforms

Can only be chosen if you have 5 reputation or more.

  • Lose 4 Reputation
  • Reduces Support Level in Urban zones (-0,75).
    1. % International anger (Reduces reputation by 3)
    2. % Hate crime rise. (Reduces support level [-0,75], especially in Urban zones. Chances are lower if Local Police Recruitment has been purchased)

Stop supporting women's rights reforms.

Engage critics

Can only be chosen if player choose option "Full reform" in decision "Women’s rights laws proposed"

  • Cost (3-5)$
    1. % Slightly increase Corruption.

Use engagement and education to convince critics that women's rights reforms are essential for the future of the region.

Reject Concerns

  • Increase global Hostility Level.
  • Reduces support level in rural and remote zones (-0,75).
    1. % Insurgent recruitment bonus.

Continue to enforce the new laws.

Refugee crisis predicted

More and more people are becoming displaced from their homes due to the ongoing conflict around the country. How we will respond?

If player choose options "Limited preparation" or "Prepare land", trigger event later call "Refugees being re-housed" in one random zone, which increase number population support and decrease number population hostility.

Reject refugees

    1. % International anger (Lost 4 reputation)

Refuse to take refugees into the region and do not offer assistance. Will may trigger event later call "Refugees illegally entering region" which reduces Support level (-2).

Limited preparation

  • Cost (4-6)$
  • Gain 1 Reputation
    1. % Slightly increase Corruption

Designate a small amount of funding towards re-housing a limited numbers of refugees.

Prepare land

  • Cost (7-9)$
  • Gain 2 Reputation
    1. % Increase Corruption

Allocate funding to purchase and prepare new refugee communities via farmland transitions, vocational training, and markets.

Refugee crisis reaches breaking point

War is continuing to displace many people from their home, and tensions at a refugee camp in [Zone's Name] are reaching a critical point. What we will do?

Appear after the decision "Refugee crisis predicted" in the few months

Do nothing

    1. % International anger (Lost 5 reputation)
    2. % Violent clashes. (Reduce 3 reputation, reduce number population support and increase number population hostility. Chance reduced by how current zone security or zone has unit soldier)

Claim that there's nothing we can do to help.

Pay off

Requires has choosed options "Limited preparation" or "Prepare land"

  • Cost (7-9)$
    1. % Costs overrun.

Pay a neighbouring region to take in the refugees instead.

Give land

Requires has choosed option "Prepare land"

  • Cost (2-4)$
  • Gain 4 reputation
    1. % Reduce local Support level (-2.4).

Improve on existing refugee aid packages and fast track the settlement of those deemed 'most at risk'.

Charities prepared to help

A number of major charities and NGOs are prepared to work with [Operation Name's] to stabilise the region. How will you allow them to operate?

Appear after 5-10 months when player buy International Assistance initiative. The higher the stability, the lower the chances they fund free initiatives.

This decision not available for the Billionaire, as International Assistance is replaced with Corporate Charity, which funds Civilian Initiatives for free but increase Inflation equivalent to the amount produced by Limited Access.

Full access

  • For each turn, they may fund a Civilian Initiative at random for free, with the following consequences:
    • Very significantly increase Inflation.
    • Corruption Risk gain = (Corruption Risk of that initiative + 5.0%)
    • Reduce chances of gaining free Civilian Initiatives later on.

Allow charities to operate without restrictions

Limited Access

  • Cost (2-4)$
  • For each turn, they may fund a Civilian Initiative at random for free, with the following consequences:
    • Increases Inflation.
    • Corruption Risk gain = (Corruption Risk of that initiative + 1.0%)
    • Reduce chances of gaining free Civilian Initiatives later on.

Ensure charities follow bureaucratic processes to limit inefficiencies.

Funding only

  • Increases current Annual Budget by ~$4.5

Deny access to the region and instead ask for funds to be provided to [Operation Name's] directly so it can choose where to spend them.

Military decisions

Airstrike hits civilians

This occurs randomly every time an airstrike happens.


  • % Apology fails (only after the first apology)
  • Decrease Support level
  • Cost (1-3)$
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Billionaire: The Billionaire uses their considerable personal resources to ensure the situation is resolved favourably and with minimal cost. Apologies never fail, but cost significantly more funds and can increase corruption.

Apologize, pay compensation, and conduct an internal review, will always result in a decrease in Support Level. Chance to lose Reputation and the amount lost escalates, with Reputation penalties increasing by one every failure, up to four.

Cover Up

    1. % Cover up fails (Reduces reputation and spawns at least one Insurgent fighter in the zone if no military units are stationed there. Subsequent failures cost more reputation)

Denies responsibility of the airstrike.


  • May increase Corruption
  • Can cause International anger, and reputation and support level loss.
  • Min $1 (depend on number of population and the amount of times this has been chosen)

Rules on Engagement of Airstrikes

This only happens if multiple civilian casualties were caused by airstrikes.

Tighten rules

Don't launch airstrikes if there is a #%(min: 28%) chance of civilian casualties.

Reduces airstrike frequency and chance of casualties.

Keep rules unchanged

Don't launch airstrikes if there is a #%(Min:40%) chance of civilian casualties

No effect.

Relax rules

Don't launch airstrikes if there is a #%(Min:55%) chance of civilian casualties

Increases airstrike frequency and chance of casualties. Cannot be chosen if the chance is already at 100%.

Foreign Journalist Kidnapped

If the Journalist is released, gain (4-6) Reputation, or lose (4-6) otherwise (for Launch Rescue Raid is 5-8).


    1. % Journalist released. Generally lower than other options.

Pay Ransom

    1. % Journalist released. Has 100% chance at the start; however it decreases rapidly if you wait for too long.
  • Cost (6-8)$
  • Increase Insurgent capability.

Launch Rescue Raid

  • Chance of success depends on battle progress.
  • Will kill 1 insurgents fighter.

Insurgents launching ambushes from wheat fields

This decision is accompanied by a boost in local insurgent combat strength when a unit is struggling to win against insurgents in a rural zone.

Destroy and Compensate

  • Cost (4-6)$
  • Local Support level reduced.
  • Remove insurgent combat strength bonus from this decision.


  • Local Support Level heavily penalized.
  • Remove insurgent combat strength bonus from this decision.
    1. % Farms collapse. If farms collapse, more insurgents will spawn.

Do nothing

  • Nothing happens

Coalition proposes military surge

The Coalition leader is preparing to do a large, time-limited military surge of forces in the region to try and stabilize it once and for all. Occurs if you have dangerously low Reputation.

Does not happen with Billionaire, because he cannot train National Soldiers.

Coalition Surge

  • Get 2 free Coalition soldiers
  • All existing and newly deployed Coalition units will withdraw after another 2 years, after which Insurgent Capability receive a dramatic boost. No new ones may be purchased thereafter. Any coalition units that have already been purchased but are yet to be deployed will not be recalled, and can still be used normally.

National Surge

  • Start training 2 National Soldiers for free.
    1. % Very significantly increase Corruption

Civilian Surge

  • Significantly increase Support Level (+6).
  • Increases Inflation and Corruption

Insurgents targeting ancient sites

Disturbing footage has emerged of Insurgents destroying ancient buddhist cultural sites. How we should respond?

Publicly shame.

  • Gain (1-2) reputation
  • Increase insurgent capability.

Release the footage to the media and pledge to bring the Insurgents to justice. (Insurgent leaders relish the media attention and use the notoriety to boost recruitment)

Deploy Military

Requires a military unit to be active in that zone.

  • Gain (2-4) reputation
    1. % Additional destruction. (penalizes local support and 3-6 reputation, chances are dependent on fight progress,)

Deploy Soldiers to protect the sites.


  • Cost (5-7)$
  • Increase insurgent capability.
    1. % Destruction stops. (Gain 2-4 reputation if successful, otherwise lose 1-3 reputation)

Ask UNESCO to negotiate with Insurgents to prevent further destruction.

Tank depot secured/Specialist available

Appear when soldier is complete collected tank depot/specialist in zone.

Deploy Tanks/Specialist

  • Gain a attachment.

Gain a tank/specialist attachment that player can use to one unit soldier later.

Scrap Tanks/Reject Specialist.

  • Gain (5-7)$

Scrap the tanks and sell them for parts./Reject specialist and sell their equipment.

Azure Dam

Exclusive to the Azure Dam map in the Main Game

Convoy drivers going on strike

This only triggers if 3 or more trucks are destroyed by Insurgents

Increase Pay

  • Min $7 (Escalates with the number of lost trucks)


Can only be chosen with a sufficient amount of reputation.

    1. % Increase Corruption
    2. % International anger
    3. % Anger over justice hypocrisy (if Universal Justice is active)
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Billionaire: The Billionaire uses their considerable personal resources to ensure the situation is resolved favorably and with minimal cost - Spent $X to make strikes end, convoys resume, and remove all other penalties at the cost of significantly increasing Corruption.

Will always result in reputation loss.

Accept strikes

  • No new convoys for minimum of 7 months (increase if many trucks is destroy and number of this option reused)

Materials missing from recent Convoy deliveries

Stock checks at the dam show a #% shortage of materials delivered by Convoys recently.


  • Cost (2-3)
  • Halt convoys for (9-11) months

Order Extra

  • Min: $2. This temporarily increases the amount of supplies delivered, although cost escalates every time this is chosen as the same decision will always spawn again.


  • Temporarily ignore, will make this decision reappear in the future.

The amount of health regained by the dam per truck is lowered by the amount of missing supplies.

Convoy drivers responsible for missing materials

This only appears if you choose to investigate on missing materials.

Arrest Them

  • Reduces the scale of future fleets and prevents thefts.

Reduces the size of each future convoy by 1 truck.

Implement Safeguards

  • Cost (6-10)$, decrease by how number Security Initiatives player buy.
  • Scale of future fleets unchanged and prevents thefts.

Make A Deal

  • Receive 2$ per convoy arrival at the cost of losing some supplies and corruption increment.

The amount of health regained by the dam per truck is lowered by the amount of supplies that "go missing".

Dam site power outage

Restoration efforts at the dam are stopped due to an electrical surge, leaving the workers without power. Convoys will be paused until power is restored.

Provide Generators

Requires Electricity I to be purchased.

  • Convoys will resume instantly.

Overtime Shifts

  • Costs (7-9)$
  • Convoys resume in 6-8 months.

Standard Shifts

  • Convoys resume in 12-15 months.

Marine Conservationists Request Operation Aid

Marine biologists are concerned over the migratory path of the fish that live in the river.

This can only occur after dam is fully repaired

Build Cannon

  • Costs (6-8)$
  • Gain 2-4 Reputation
  • Unlocks Achievement "Flying Fish"

Harvest Fish

  • Gain (6-8)$
    1. % International Anger (cause reputation loss)

Do Nothing

    1. % International Anger (cause reputation loss, but lower)

Dam needs emergency repairs

The dam is in a critical state and is in need of immediate repairs to prevent collapse. What should [Operation Name's] do?


  • Do nothing.

Emergency repairs will not be carried out. (Warning: the dam will collapse without immediate action)

Temporary Repairs

  • Costs (3-5)$
  • Delay dam decay by 2 months

Fund small scale temporary repairs to prevent the dam's immediate collapse.

Permanant Fixes

  • Costs (10-18)$
  • Delay dam decay by 2 months
  • Restore a significant portion of the dam's health (by 5-9%, depending on the cost)

Fund large scale emergency work to restore the dam.

Convoys causing complaints

Locals report that repeated Convoys are causing significant road and property damage. What should we do?

Reduce Convoy Size

  • (Do not)Significantly increase Support Level (+0)
  • Reduce the number of trucks in each convoy by 1.

Limit the number of trucks in Convoys.

Limit Speeds

  • (Do not)Increase Support Level (+0)
  • Convoys move slower in Urban Zones.

Order Convoys to drive slowly when in urbans zones.


  • Cost (8-10)$
    1. % slightly increase Corruption.

Provide funds to pay for damage caused.

Opium Trail

Exclusive to the Opium Trail map in the Main Game

Opium Addiction Rising

The recent explosion in the drug trade is also affecting people across the region, many are becoming addicted to opium and people are demanding action. How will you respond?

Take Action

  • Costs (6-7)$
  • Significantly increase Support Level (+4)

Build rehab clinics, crackdown on dealers and offer treatment to addicts.

Cover Up

  • Increase Corruption
    1. % Cover up fails (Lost 4 reputation)

Shut down opium dens and arrest addicts


    1. % Significantly decrease Support Level (-3)
    2. % International anger (lost 2 reputation)

Ignore the Issue

Damning Report on Drug Trade

The scale of the opium trade within the region has gained attention of an international body and they are demanding action.

The chance for 2 first options depend of current Opium Production in map.

Hire Lobbyists

  • Costs (6-8)$
    1. % Lobbyists succeed. (Gain 4 reputation if success or lose 2 reputation if fall)

Hire a squad of lobbyists to positively spin your efforts to stamp out the drug trade. Convincing the international community of your progress.

Public Statement

    1. % Statement backfires. (reputation loss, can lost higher depend Opium Production)
  • 100% Governor Bonus
    • Civil Servant: Diplomatic experience ensures positive reception from the international community. 100% chance to gain 2 Reputation instead.

Attempt to address the concerns of the international community.

Take Direct Action

  • Destroy all current poppy fields and increase delay for spawning opium over time.
  • Catastrophically decrease Support Level

Indiscriminately spray herbicide via crop dusting planes, devastating Poppy Fields and agricultural land.

National Soldiers found using opium

Opium use by military units is climbing rapidly raising concerns about addiction and ongoing combat effectiveness. How does [Operation Name's] want to proceed?


  • Costs (4-5)$

Embed counter narcotics officials to stop opium infiltrating military bases.


  • Chances of Insurgent recruitment bonus, propotionally inverse to stability.


  • 100% Governor Bonus
    • Warlord: Distribute opium to national soldiers as a 'performance bonus'. Increase the amount of time before they become restless by 22 turns.
  • National Soldiers become addicted, reducing their strength by 15%.

Don't take any action.

Drug kingpin captured

He is currently being held at [Operation Name's] HQ. The kingpin has a long history of bribing officials and there are concerns that he will escape his sentence. How does [Operation Name] want to proceed?

Has a little chance to appear if map has atleast 1 opium fields appear and current region stability is <65%.

If Successful Trial, gain 2 reputation and increase global Support Level. Otherwise will reduce current global support and increases opium production.

Fair Trial

    1. % Successful Trial. (Ratio proportional by region stability, but inversely proportional high by corruption risk)

Ensure all procedures are followed to the letter of the law.

Show Trial

  • Very Significantly increase corruption
    1. % Successful Trial. (Ratio proportional high by corruption risk, but inversely proportional by region stability. Can not higher 83%)
  • #% Anger over justice hypocrisy (If Universal Justice is active)
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Tank Commander: The kingpin is "accidently" ran over by a tank. Reduces opium production.

Bribe judges to ensure a conviction.


  • Decrease Support Level
  • Gain 2 reputation
  • #% Anger over justice hypocrisy (if Universal Justice is active)

Send the kingpin to be tried by a military tribunal in another country.

Warlord offers end to opium

A local warlord is offering to aggressively police the zone and ‘permanently’ prevent Opium Production. How does [Operation Name's] respond?

Make a Deal

  • Remove opium and make that zone can't spawn opium anymore.
  • Slightly decrease local Support Level.
    1. % Significantly increase Corruption.
  • #% Anger over justice hypocrisy (If Universal Justice is active)

Pay the warlord to prevent Poppy Fields appearing.

Arrest Them

    1. % Warlord escapes (insurgents spawn in the zone)
  • If the Warlord does not escape:
    • Reduce corruption (multiplies already existing Corruption Risk by 0.9)
    • Gain 3 reputation.

Charge the warlord with corruption offences and try to arrest them.

Ignore Them

  • Decrease local Support Level.
    1. % Insurgent recuitment bonus.

Don't communicate with the warlord or take any action.

Warlord demands another payment for opium policing

Despite our previous deal, the warlord who was preventing opium from being grown in [Zone Name's] is now requesting another payment to continue. How does [Operation Name's] want to proceed?

This with has a chance appear after the decision "Warlord offers end to opium" (choose option Make a Deal) in few months and zone is half stability or lower.

Send Payment

  • Slightly decrease local Support Level.
    1. % Significantly increase Corruption.
  • #% Anger over justice hypocrisy (If Universal Justice is active)

Pay the warlord to prevent Poppy Fields appearing.

Arrest Them

  • Make that zone can spawn opium again.
    1. % Warlord escapes (insurgents spawn in the zone)
  • If the Warlord does not escape:
    • Gain 3 reputation.

Charge the warlord with corruption offences and try to arrest them.

Ignore Them

  • Slightly decrease local Support Level.
  • Make that zone can spawn opium again.
    1. % Insurgent recuitment bonus.

Don't communicate with the warlord or take any action.

Indebted poppy farmers threatened by Insurgents

Insurgents lent money to farmers in [Zone Name's] to grow opium. The crops failed but the Insurgents are still demanding their debt be repaid. What will [Operation Name's] do?


Requires a military unit to be active in that zone.

  • Increase local Support Level.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • General: Superior military tactics enabled soldiers to ambush the Insurgents. Reduces Insurgent Capability.

Soldiers will defend the farmers from the Insurgents.

Pay Debt

  • Cost (4-6)$
  • Increase local Support Level.
    1. % Significantly increase Corruption.

Provide the farmers with the money to pay off the Insurgents.

Do nothing

  • Decrease Support Level.
    1. % Insurgent recruitment bonus.

Farmers will have to deal with the Insurgents on their own.

Devastating collapse in crop export value

Farmers in the region are struggling after an extreme drop in the global prices of wheat and rye, while opium farming continues to be profitable. How does [Operation Name's] want to proceed?

Subsidise Farming

  • Cost (6-7)$
  • Significantly increase Support Level.
    1. % increase Corruption.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Economist: Careful application of economic theory allows finely targeted subsidies. Slightly increase Support Level and gain $3.

Provide government-funded subsidies for grain farming in the region.

Market Manipulation

  • Increase Support Level.
  • Increase current future inflation.

Devalue local currency against the dollar, boosting exports. Permanently increase inflation.

Do nothing

  • Decrease Support Level.
  • Increase all poppy fields output by 40%.

Leave the farmers to find another source of income. Significantly boost Opium Production.

Mass protests after repeated Poppy Field destruction

Former poppy farmers are taking part in region-wide protests. They are unable to support their families without the income from Poppy Fields. How does [Operation Name's] want to proceed?

Has a little chance to appear when the player not buying 'Employment Support Programme' initiative, destroy many poppy fields and low of region stability.

Pay Compensation

  • Cost (7-8)$
  • Very Significantly increase Support Level (+6)
    1. % increase Corruption.
  • Significantly increase opium field appear and significantly decrease delay for spawning opium over time.

Generously compensate farmers for their economic losses. (Farmers are planting as many poppies as possible to try and to cash-in on compensation)

Announce Assistance

Request buying 'Employment Support Programme' initiative.

  • Cost (4-5)$
  • Increase Support Level (+2,5)
    1. % slightly increase Corruption.
  • Slightly decrease delay for spawning opium over time.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Development Director: Combine announcement with the rollout of a new scheme. A civilian initiative has been completed for free.

Announce the ‘Employment Support Programme’ to assist former poppy farmers. (People are once again able to support their families once they have joined the Employment Support Programme)


  • Decrease Support Level (-2,5)
    1. % Insurgent recuitment bonus. (Chance increase by how number poppy is destroy)

Don’t take any action.

Large-scale opium trafficking detected

Traffickers have been spotted moving X kg of opium out of [Zone Name's]. How does [Operation Name's] want to proceed?

This decision has a very small chance to appear if said zone is neutral, map has atleast 1 poppy field, full intel and on the edge of the map. Chance to make decision reappear increased if choose option "Observe" first time.


Request buying 'Counter-Narcotics' initiative.

  • Give X Reputation
  • Decrease Insurgent Capability.
  • Gain the Achievement "It's Medicinal" upon seizing 300kg opium.

Arrest the traffickers and destroy X kg of opium.

Cut Deal

  • Gain $X
    1. % increase Corruption.
    2. % International anger.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Smuggler: A lifetime of dodgy dealing makes it easy to negotiate a ‘convenience fee’ from the traffickers. Gain $2

Turn a blind eye to trafficking in exchange for a bribe.


  • Temporary ignore the findings. Will make this decision reappear in the future with a larger amount of opium.
    • Cannot be chosen after its second reappearance, as there are no additional intel to collect.

Begin surveillance to gather intel for a future raid. Allow trafficking to continue.

International Bank facilitating Opium Trade

It has been discovered that the bank of Pierce and Hale is assisting the Insurgents by laundering their money. How does [Operation Name's] want to respond?


  • Cost (4-5)$
  • Decrease Insurgent Capability.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Banker: Persuade authorities that seized funds should be remitted to [Operation Name's]. Gain $5

Provide evidence to international financial authorities. Decrease Insurgent Capability


  • Gain $X.
    1. % increase Corruption.
    2. % International anger.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Billionaire: The Billionaire personally profits from this decision and pays a dividend to [Operation Name's]. Gain (2-7)$.

Threaten the bank with exposure unless they make a large donation.


    1. % Infiltration attempt succeed. (If successful, Insurgent capability drops, otherwise nothing happens)

Track the money through the financial system to try and identify other Insurgent backers and accounts.

Golden Sands

Exclusive to the Golden Sands map in the Main Game

Locals demand Oil proceeds

The local population demands a greater share of profits from the exploitation of their natural resources. How should we proceed?

Appear in zone has oil derick and low stability.

Increase share

  • Cost $6
  • Very Significantly increase local Support Level.
    1. % slightly increase Corruption.

Give locals an additional percentage of oil profits.

Reduce Share

  • Gain $4
  • Decrease local Support Level.
    1. % Insurgent recuitment bonus.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Banker: The Banker invests the oil profits on the stock market, with great results. Gain $6.

Divert oil profits from locals.


    1. % Insurgent recuitment bonus.

Maintain existing profit share.

Oil profits declining

Oil yields are dramatically reduced since last quarter, due to unexplained equipment failures. What will [Operation Name's] do?

Appear in zones with oil dericks, giving them a 15% income penalty.

When this decision reappear, if that zone with oil dericks has income penalty (When choose Accept Losses), they cannot be penalized further.

Emergency Repairs

  • Cost $3
  • Removes the income penalty temporarily.

Immediately dispatch specialist teams to fix the damage.


Requires a military unit to be active in that zone.

  • Cost $4
  • Removes the income penalty.

Perform a full Investigation into the source of the damage whilst repairing it.

Accept Losses

  • Do nothing, will make this decision reappear in the future.

Accept revenue losses and continue operation. Situation may worsen over time.

Oil drilling endangering local fauna

Sand Worms, a local delicacy harvested for their spicy flavour, are in danger of losing their natural habitat due to drilling activity. How will [Operation Name's] proceed?

If Sand Worms not die, increase Support Level. (Not count option Rescue)


  • Cost (6-8)$
  • Significantly increase Support Level.
  • Gain a "Shai-Hulud" achievement.

Convert sand dunes into a sanctuary, ensuring the species’ survival for future generations.


  • Cost (3-4)$
    1. % Chance Sand Worms die (Decrease support level decrease if die, min chance is 20%).

Move Sand Worm population to another Region.


    1. % Chance Sand Worms die (Higher, Very Significantly decrease support level decrease if die. Min chance max is 88%).

Expand Oil Production - the Sand Worms will have to find a new home.

Oil Company demands support

Shareholders of Drillzero Inc., a large multinational are threatening to shut down oil production, as it isn’t profitable enough. How should we proceed?


  • Decrease support level.
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • Billionaire: The Billionaire personally profits from this decision and pays a dividend to [Operation Name's]. Gain $?.

Give funds to ensure the company continues to operate.


    1. % Very Significantly increase Corruption.

Local government take over the company to continue oil production.


    1. % Drillzero Inc. abandons Oil Derrick. (if they abandon, costs $4 to make up).

Ignore the demand and hope shareholders decide to stay.

Devil's Peak

Exclusive to the Devil's Peak map in the Main Game

Eruption Imminent

Rising thermals and strong seismic activity have been detected. An eruption is imminent and the local population require immediate evacuation. How should [Operation Name's] proceed?

Only appear in zone will eruption in next month. Only has 6 turns to response, and choose will cause zone eruption immediate.

Gain a "Come with me if you want to live" achievement, if choose "Controlled Evacuation" or "Emergency Evacuation".

If choose "Ignore" and HQ destroyed, gain "Roll the dice" achievement.

Controlled Evacuation

Required soldier in that zone, or nearby zone has soldier non-fighting to appear

Use military transports to efficiently relocate the population and their belongings.

Emergency Evacuation

Required this zone is non-control by insurgents.

  • Cost $X
  • 100% Governor bonus
    • General: Superior training reduced the cost of this evacuation. Refunds (1-2)$.

Relocate the population and a few of their belongings.


    1. % Insurgent uprising (if zone has not HQ, spawn 3 insurgent in nearby zone)
  • 100% HQ destroyed. (50% if has buying "Fire Proximity Suits" initiative)

Leave the local population to fend for themselves. (Reduce support level [-2])

Sacrificing the HQ in the process (If zone has HQ)

Volcanic Study proposed

A group of volcanologists are requesting passage to the Volcano. The route is risky, but they are willing to pay for a guide. How does [Operation Name's] want to proceed?

If Volcanologists arrive, player can see zones will eruption sooner (2 months). Gain a "Just a peak" achievement.

Allow and Guide (Hire local Guide for Billionaire)

Requires one National Soldier on map to be active.

  • Gain (3-6)$
  • 100% Volcanologists arrive.
  • A random National Soldier unit is removed and a new one will be trained in one year.
  • [Billionaire Penalty: The Billionaire hires a local team to safely guide the volcanologists to the Volcano - Cost $(20-23) as he has no access to National Soldiers]

Reassign a National Soldier to safely guide the volcanologists to the Volcano, withdraw a National Soldier for 1 year.


    1. % Volcanologists arrive. (Depend by how current % region stability)

Grant the volcanologists unguided passage to the Volcano.


Do not allow the volcanologists access to the Volcano. It's too dangerous.

Insurgents harvesting Sulfur

An abandoned Sulfur mine deep within the volcano has been occupied by the Insurgents. Mixed with solid fuel, the extracted Sulfur can be used to create explosive materials. How should [Operation Name's] respond?

Has a chance to appear in zone is control by Insurgent if said has 4 zones or more is erupting or will eruption, and has one of zone Sector name is "Charlie"


  • Cost $(5-8)
  • Decrease Insurgent Capability.

Ruin the explosive mixtures and render the mine inaccessible by flooding the shaft with water. Sulfur harvesting operations stop.


  • Decrease Insurgent Capability.
  • Lose 2 Reputation
  • Decrease Support Level (-1)
  • Prompts an immediate volcanic erruption.

Request a cruise missile strike to destroy the mine and seal the entrance. Sulfur harvesting operations stop.


  • Increase Insurgent Capability.

Leave the Insurgents to continue harvesting Sulfur from the mine.

Campaign Exclusive

The following decisions will only occur in Campaign Mode.

Two last options will not be available to choose on the last map of the campaign.

Bank offers large donation

The international bank of Pierce and Hale is making a large donation to help [Campaign Name's] bring peace to the country. It can be used for [Region Name's] or redirected to other regions. How does [Campaign Name's] want to proceed?

Accept All

  • Gain #$

Share Funds

  • Gain #$ (Less than accept all)
  • Redirects the remaining funds to subsequent regions.

Redirect Funds

  • This event will occur again at the same time in the subsequent regions.

Charity offers generous aid program

The Bloom Charitable Foundation (set up by a number of famous celebrities) is offering a comprehensive aid programme to help [Campaign Name's] develop the country. It can be used for [Region Name's] or redirected to other regions. How does [Campaign Name's] want to proceed?

Accept All

  • Very Significantly increase Support Level

Accept some

  • Significantly increase Support Level


  • This event will occur again at the same time the subsequent regions.

International Refugee Crisis

There has been a coup in a neighbouring country to the east and huge numbers of refugees are fleeing the chaos. With all the problems that [Region Name's] is currently facing, it would cause discomfort amongst the population. How should we proceed?

Accept all refugees

  • Very significantly decreases support level.

Accept some refugees

  • Significantly decreases support level.

Redirect refugees

  • This event will occur again at the same time the subsequent regions.



  • The decision name "Rumours of underground Insurgent cell" is never used in the game.