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Advisors' paperwork

Advisors are additional augments to the gameplay of Rebel Inc. Similar to the Genetic Code in Plague Inc., they can be selected to get changes to the gameplay which may make it easier, or harder, to secure victory.

On Rebel Inc: Escalation, one random Advisor is unlocked each time a game is won, including every map in the Campaign mode. On Mobile, Advisors are still unlocked like on PC, but you can use them only if you have Premium purchased.

There are six categories of Advisors, and only one of each category can be used at any given time. In the case of a Campaign, Advisors are exhausted after one use. As with Governors, the Espresso Shots Government tactic nullifies this, allowing them to be reused indefinitely.

Starting from the Dollars & Disasters DLC, Advisors that require additional funds are available. This precise cost is indicated by a small (-$X) after the effect description and is cumulated into one number before being deducted once at game start. It only applies for the current attempt, and does not carry over to other maps during campaigns.


Icon Name Description
Journalist.png Journalist

Gather Intel on Zones 10% faster.

VillageElder.png Village Elder

Gain 10% more Support Level, both positive and negative, in Remote Zones.

Town Planner.png Town Planner

Gain 10% more Support Level, both positive and negative, in Urban Zones.

Doctor.png Doctor

Gain 10% more Hostility Level, both positive and negative, in all Zones.

Farmer.png Farmer

Gain 10% more Support Level, both positive and negative, in Rural Zones.

Rural Specialist.png Rural Specialist

Start with a rural specialist attachment. (-$2)

Remote Specialist.png Remote Specialist

Start with a remote specialist attachment. (-$2)

Urban Specialist.png Urban Specialist

Start with a urban specialist attachment. (-$2)


Icon Description

Armchair Architect

Randomly build HQ in a Zone accessed by either Highways or Main Roads and start the game with $6 higher budget.



Start the game with Intel on up to 2 more Zones.



Start the game with 1.5 higher Global Support Level.


Impulsive Shopper

Spend money on random initiatives when you have more than $20.


Trained Monkey

Randomly respond to events when they run out of time. May not choose options that cannot be available due to map features or limitation.

Friendly Robot.png

Friendly Robot

Manually control drones.

Credit Manager.png

Credit Manager

Can go into debt at the expense of Reputation.

  • Grants the Deficit Funding player tactic.
Corruption Consultant.png

Corruption Consultant

NGO charities cause significantly less corruption when funding initiatives. (-$1)

  • Remove corruption risk bonus from NGO funding initiatives when Full access by 5.0%, Limited Access by 1.0%


Icon Effect


National Soldiers can be trained without purchasing Coalition Soldiers beforehand. They however take longer to train in absence of deployed Coalition Soldiers.

  • Time penalty for training multiple units is multiplicatively increased by 10%.


Coalition Soldiers lose morale 30% slower when not directly engaged in combat, and 5-10% slower in direct combat. Allows for longer deployments.



Double number value of Coalition Soldier decrease the chance Airstrikes cause civilian casualties in zone they present.


Drill Sergeant

Reduce National Soldiers training time by 15%.


Arms Dealer

Increase starting Combat Strength of National Soldiers by 1.

Squadron Leader.png

Squadron Leader

Manually control airstrikes.

War Hero.png

War Hero

Coalition Soldiers gain +2 months (12 turns) of extra deployment time when winning battles. (-$4)

  • Grants the Morale Boost player tactic, which does not stack with said advisor.
Military Recruiter.png

Military Recruiter

Coalition deployment extended by +60%, but cannot be extended further. (-2$)

  • Grants the Extended Deployment map feature, which does not stack with said advisor.


Icon Effect

Religious Leader

Decrease Insurgent Capability 8% more than normal when stabilizing Zones.

  • For Casual and Normal Difficulty, instead decrease by 6.7%. more.

Tribal Elder

Increase the current delay start of the Insurgency and Opium Farming by 9.5%.

  • Can go up to 2 months or less depending on the difficulty.


Increase multiply value of negotiation speed by 10%.


Militia Chief

Reduce initial Insurgent Capability. Increase Corruption Risk by 2%.


Police Chief

Increases Security in every Zone, and Initiatives which improve Zone Security are more effective.

  • Multiply value of max % sercurity for Zones can get by 1.2
Foreign Minister.png

Foreign Minister

Start with +5 reputation. (-$2)

Attorney General.png

Attorney General

Security initiatives cost less. (-$2)

  • Reduces cost of Local Militia by -$1, Local Police Recruitment by -$3 and Local Police Expansion by -$5.
Intelligence Officer.png

Intelligence Officer

Soldiers scout intel in neighbouring zones. (-$1)

  • Grants the Scouts map feature, which does not stack with said advisor.



Tax Collector

Gain 65% more income from Stable Zones.



Delay Reputation loss due to Lack of Stability by ~3 months (20 turns).


Investigative Reporter

Increases effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Teams by 15%.


Private Donor

Start the game with $5 higher budget.


Wealthy Exile

Decreases damage dealt to Reputation Income by 20%.

  • This averages out to an extra $6 per year on very low reputation.
Local Politician.png

Local Politician

Start with 2 random zones stabilized. (-$4)

  • These stabilized zones don't affect insurgent capability or increase your reputation, but they increase Annual Budget.
Local Liaison.png

Local Liaison

Concerns grow at a reduced rate. (-$2)

  • In practice, it works in such a way that the effect of reducing support level of the concern is reduced by 50%, as if one of each initiative was purchased. Thus, the final support level drop due to concerns is also reduced from 99% to 49.5% in Mega Brutal.
Civil Engineer.png

Civil Engineer

Road initiatives cost less. (-$2)

  • Reduces cost of all road 1 initiatives by -$2, all road 2 initiatives by -$1.


Icon Description

Logistics Expert

Reduce travel times of Soldiers by 1 for each Stable Zone they go through.



Reduce Reputation loss when Insurgents capture Zones by 1.

  • Cannot reduce reputation loss below 0.


Increase base chance of rebels taking casualties when fleeing.

  • For Normal Difficulty increase by 6%, Brutal and Mega Brutal increase by 2.2%.


Reduce cooldown for Build Garrisons by 20 turns.



Reduce base cooldown of Airstrikes by 4 turns.

Drone Programmer.png

Drone Programmer

Drone scan 2 more zones at once. (-$2)



Start with 1 Garrison in a random zone. (-$2)

Defence Minister.png

Defence Minister

Manually choose garrsion locations.

  • Significantly increase cooldown for building garrsions.

Advisor builds

A guide on specific Advisor builds can be found at Strategy Guide:Advisor builds.


  • The Trained Monkey and the Impulsive Shopper are the only Specialists who is not technically considered as one, since they do random actions and makes the game harder.
    • The Trained Monkey and Friendly Robot are the only advisors who are not humans.
  • Most of the Dollars and Disasters advisors behave similar to map features and player tactics from the Campaign, for example Credit manager is the exact same as the tactic Deficit Funding, and Intelligence Officer behaving like the map feature Scouts.
  • The new Pink and Purple advisors have each other's color. For example, the Foreign Minister is a Pink advisor, yet his tie and background are purple.
  • In Main Game, advisor Militia Chief somehow not working in some case (Saffron Field on Difficulty Casual, Brutal and Mega Brutal. Azure Dam and Opium Trail on Difficulty Normal. Devil's Peak on Difficulty Casual)