Devil's Peak

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Devil's Peak is the 10th map in Rebel Inc. and the 5th special map. It is the second map included in a DLC, namely Dollars and Disasters.

Area statistics

Region Name Type Transportation Terrain Population Hostile% Zone Size (Hexes) Scale Zone Size
Alpha Juliett Remote Minor Roads Forest 15276 4,77% 86 1.58
Alpha Victor Urban Main Roads Grassland 53285 4,87% 88 1.617
Alpha Oscar Rural Highways Grassland 14165 3,17% 89 1.635
Alpha Papa Rural Minor Roads Grassland 4127 3,99% 49 0.9
Alpha Kilo Remote Minor Roads Mountain 5480 20,72% 51 0.937
Alpha Lima Remote Minor Roads Mountain 4814 5,72% 46 0.845
Alpha Mike Rural Main Roads Desert 5562 4,44% 56 1.029
Bravo Mike Rural Highways Desert 6236 5,11% 51 0.937
Bravo Whiskey Urban Highways Scrubland 26258 4,57% 57 1.047
Bravo Juliett Remote Highways Desert 4707 4,04% 50 0.919
Bravo Kilo Remote Minor Roads Mountain 6013 11,08% 36 0.661
Bravo Lima Remote Minor Roads Mountain 4552 29,07% 58 1.066
Charlie Kilo Remote Minor Roads Mountain 5645 12,51% 56 1.029
Charlie Lima Rural Main Roads Desert 4962 5,22% 47 0.864
Charlie Mike Remote Minor Roads Forest 10919 7,11% 45 0.827
Charlie Oscar Remote Highways Desert 4791 5,21% 64 1.176
Charlie Juliett Remote Highways Desert 3924 5,60% 40 0.735
Delta Juliett Remote Minor Roads Mountain 4842 10,10% 51 0.937
Delta Papa Rural Main Roads Grassland 15196 8,74% 53 0.974
Delta Kilo Remote Minor Roads Mountain 5214 23,45% 62 1.139
Delta Lima Remote Minor Roads Mountain 3948 12,21% 52 0.955
Delta Whiskey Urban Main Roads Grassland 22169 4,34% 62 1.139
Delta Mike Remote Minor Roads Forest 17999 7,19% 65 1.194
Delta Romeo Rural Main Roads Grassland 19097 3,76% 38 0.698
Echo Juliett Remote Minor Roads Mountain 3908 8,30% 45 0.827
Echo Mike Remote Minor Roads Mountain 6602 23,86% 57 1.047
Echo Kilo Remote Main Roads Desert 4813 4,48% 32 0.588
Echo Lima Remote Main Roads Desert 5267 3,82% 38 0.698


The map's defining feature is the volcano in the middle which is the culprit of the eruptions in the region. The east side of the region sits it's largest city that has a forest and mountain next to it while a smaller down sits at south-east and another far west. The rest of the map is covered with forests and mountains, with the bottom-center part being flatter terrain.

Special features


The main mechanic to this map is an active volcano, which will, at random, cause an eruption in a zone. When this occurs, the population must be evacuated. Any Soldiers, Insurgents, structures and most initiatives caught in the blast are destroyed once the associated decision has been made. The impact leaves the zone inaccessible and uninhabitable for a significant amount of time.

Exclusive initiatives

All initiatives can be found at the military tab.

  • Fire Proximity Suit - Equip Soldiers with fire proximity suits specially designed for ambient heat protection up to 93 degrees centigrade. Allows Soldiers to travel through eruption zones.
  • Emergency Transport - Suspend traffic flow and clear faster routes for Soldiers assisting with evacuation efforts. Soldiers travel faster to zones adjacent to an incoming eruption.

Game Decisions

Eruption Imminent

  • Controlled Evacuation - Send Soldiers on adjacent zone to relocate locals and their belongings from erupting volcano by military transports for free. Said unit must not be in combat for them to perform the evacuation.
  • Emergency Evacuation - Relocate the population and few of their belongings at the cost of money.
    • [General Governor Bonus - Superior Training: Evacuations are partially refunded by $(1-2)].
  • Ignore - Let the locals fend off themselves at the cost of support level and a very high chance of Insurgent uprisings.

Insurgents Harvesting Sulfur

  • Flood, - Ruin the mixture of explosive by flooding the shaft by water at the cost of some funds. Reduces Insurgent capability.
  • Destroy - Request a cruise missile to destroy the mine and block the entrance. Reduces Insurgent capability but prompts an immediate eruption and decreases 2 reputation.
  • Ignore - Leave the Insurgents to continue harvesting sulfur. Increases Insurgent capability.

Volcanologists request passage

  • Guided Travel - Withdraw a single National Soldier unit at random for a year. Volcanologists provide early seismic activity warnings in advance of imminent eruptions.
    • [Billionaire Governor Penalty - Poor Connections: Has to pay $(20-23) for locals to guide them.]
  • Unguided travel - Allow volcanologists to explore, unguided. Chance for Volcanologists to lose contact during their expedition. Otherwise, they provide early warnings as usual.
  • Refuse - Declare the region unsafe. Volcanologists will not arrive at all.

Strategy guide

As with most other maps, the main goal is to contain the insurgents. The Volcanic Eruptions can be a double-edged sword. In the early game, they can eliminate troublesome groups of insurgents and form temporary barricades that block escape routes, but can also hamper your own units as they can destroy roads and Garrisons while all stabilization efforts grind to a halt. Care should be taken to not let Insurgents bunch up in the mountains, as you can easily lose a lot of reputation. It is more ideal to go for roads for speeding up any allied units to save resources on evacuations later in the game. Furthermore, it is important to get fire proximity suits, as these allow soldiers to travel through otherwise blocked areas or roads and shave off logistical problems.

Eruptions are beneficial in some way. They can be used against Insurgents since they are impassable and can never be attacked. They can also destroy Coalition units for redeployment, resetting a unit's deployment time at the cost of losing that unit for a few ticks.


  • The internal codename for this region is "eruption".
  • DLC "Dollars and Disasters" also includes the Billionaire Governor bundled with this map.
  • Due to a bug, Fire Proximity suits are not available when playing this map in the 'Omnigovernor' map.
  • In the Pax 12 scenario. the volcano mechanic is disabled, but said upgrades are erroneously present and can be purchased.
  • Volcanic attributes on this map defy reality in several aspects:
    • Though Rebel Inc. certainly does take inspiration from areas like Afghanistan and the Middle East in general, volcanos are typically absent. On the other hand, the likes of certain South American countries tend to match the game's setting and do feature active volcanos.
    • While volcanoes can throw up huge amounts of ash in the air to cripple aircraft and threaten the locals, air support continue to operate, and only small sectors are evacuated at a time as opposed to the whole region.
    • Despite implications of such disasters, there are no obvious signs of additional relief efforts from various organizations.
  • The name "Devil's Peak" may be a reference to the volcano movie "Dante's Peak", due to how both share the names related to the concept of hell. It could also be a generic volcano name.