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Insurgents are a group of Guerrilla Fighters created in response to the recent invasion prior to the player's operation, determined to demolish it and undermine Coalition efforts.

They are the titular antagonists of Rebel Inc.


Some time after the start of the game, an event will spawn stating that the Insurgency is rumored in the area and thus the player is authorized to begin military initiatives to combat this threat (in the case of General the player is merely advised since they can fund them since the beginning). This is the "gatekeeper event" indicating their advent. Later, a second event will spawn noting where the Insurgents have been reported in a zone - Usually a remote one. In Campaign Mode, some regions may be already be controlled by the insurgents. If these are entered with soldiers before the first insurgents appear, the insurgents will gain capability; however, Insurgent Tactics such as Ambushes will not take effect until the first insurgency appears.

Insurgent Activity

Insurgents will actively demolish any rolled out initiatives (except for vaccines and School Expansion) and take over the entire region, causing you to lose reputation - exacerbated by repeated takeovers and region populations - as well as supporters. The population will turn hostile if they are in or are adjacent to a zone controlled by insurgents. They will actively attempt to expand their influence and cause constant reputation loss, especially when they take urban zones, unless they were fought off.

Camps continually spawn fighters and may launch surprise attacks in adjacent zones. At least 1 camp exists when you start the game. They will not appear in zones if there is an allied military unit or any building that isn't a Garrison there, nor can they spawn in stable zones.[1]> They can be uncovered by allied forces, Drones, Regional Census, or Garrisons[2]If it has been revealed on the map explicitly, a Camp can be damaged and destroyed by Airstrikes or Allied Military units, causing insurgent capability to fall.

Do note that security initiatives will and Garrisons with Security Checkpoints can slow insurgent takeovers and will kill 1 insurgent each when destroyed - It is entirely possible for an assault to fall on it's face when some intruder die to security, weakening them and allowing allied forces to finish them off before re-establishing the disbanded security forces. The specific effect is shown in the zone's info screen in the security percent - It is inversely proportional to the takeover speed much security slows the insurgents is affecting by the Security x%, which can be seen in zone information. Security may also be increased by HQs, Garrisons (with Security Checkpoints) and zone stability.

Insurgent Capability

Insurgent Capability determines the amount of resources they can amass against you, increasing over time, when taking over zones or even via government decisions - When antagonized, paid funds or seizing certain map features, they will be strengthened, and locals will join them if they are outraged by your regime. Conversely you can reduce it via wrecking insurgent camps, limiting their expansion or engage with foreign rivals - The latter of which demands the prolonged presence of the Foreign Relations Office to be effective. It cannot drop below 3.33%.

100% Insurgent Capability is enough to upkeep 30 Insurgent Fighters, so 1 Insurgent Fighter requires ~3.33% of Insurgent Capability to remain active. Surprise Attacks will increase Insurgent number until it matches Insurgent Capability. Keep in mind that Surprise Attacks and events may spawn more Insurgents than the capability's capacity. If Insurgents amount is too high, fighters will begin to disband until the quantity matches Insurgent Capability.


Insurgents will actively fight the player's military units if they are in the same zone and usually have the upper hand in the remote areas, especially when there's a total lack of intel, but in plain regions and most other cases they are at a serious disadvantage. A progress bar indicates the battle progress - If the insurgents have an advantage they will continue with whatever they are doing but otherwise, allied forces will proceed with their actions and eventually insurgents be pushed out of the region when they completely lose a battle. Airstrikes, Drones, Garrisons, and entrenchment (automatically occurs when staying in a zone without insurgents) increase combat strength, but are never sufficient on their own.

When losing a battle, Insurgents will flee with fighters randomly dying. Insurgents will take continuous casualties in prolonged fights if at a constant disadvantage but the fight remains a stalemate. They will usually escape to nearby insurgent-controlled zones, a zone has the Camps (which allows you to triangulate its location) or other vulnerable ones if the former is unavailable. They cannot escape beyond the map, rivers, nor through any region that contains your HQ, a Garrison or Allied Military Forces with sufficient intel. If they have been cornered in a battle and defeated, all fighters will be killed.

Peace Treaty

Main page: Peace Process

If you result in heavy Insurgent losses due to winning in battles or many Insurgents disbanding due to low Insurgent Capability, their leader will consider negotiation as a possibility. From there you have some options in certain government decisions. They appear only once each. The speed of the negotiations also depends on the Insurgent Willingness to Talk, which can range from 900%(most willing) to -300%(least willing).

  • Give in to Insurgent demands at a significant reputation penalty, allowing negotiations to occur faster. May trigger International Anger, further damaging Reputation.
  • Compromise with the Insurgents, lose some reputation.
  • Deny all Insurgent demands, antagonizing them while gaining reputation and a potential setback if they achieve more victories.

Once peace progress has reached 100% you can:

  • Sign the peace deal and secure an effective win. The insurgents will disband, causing you to lose reputation per active fighter or insurgent zone down until 1.
  • Renegotiate, causing peace progress to be set back by ~33% while gaining reputation. Gain 4 reputation the first time, 3 the second, 2 the third, and 1 thereafter.
  • Restart negotiations, and reset peace progress to 0 while gaining reputation. Gain 10 reputation the first time, 7 the second, 4 the third, and 1 thereafter. Reduces the penalty of any compromise you have given to the insurgents.

The latter 2 will result in diminishing returns on reputation so it might be better to accept the peace deal while it's on, unless one can secure a higher score via more reputation points.

Other Events


Information Required


Main page: Decisions

Information Required

Insurgent Tactics

Main page: Insurgent Tactics

  • Additional Encampment- Insurgents start with an extra camp.
  • Ambushes- Insurgents launch surprise attacks in zones with no intel
  • Cave Fortifications- Insurgents strength increases in zones with a cave
  • Combat Network- Non-fighting insurgents support insurgents in adjacent zones. Each supporting zone increases insurgent strength by 15%.
  • Combat Recruitment- Insurgents increase in number when soldiers flee combat.
  • Local Agitators- Insurgency preparation time is cut by 65%.
  • Local Recruitment- Insurgents increase in numbers as they gain control of zones
  • Overwhelming Force- Insurgents can destroy national soldier units, requiring more to be trained.
  • Radio Silence- Insurgent information such as defeated fighters, active fighters and insurgent capability are hidden.
  • Recruitment Drive- Insurgents spawn in zones where concerns are at 70%, even at stable zones.
  • Relentless Assault- Insurgents attack more frequently.
  • River Fording- Insurgents able to attack across rivers.
  • Sleeper Cells- There's a chance that when a zone stabilizes for the first time, 2 insurgent fighters spawn.
  • Social Distancing- Small group of insurgents run to neighboring zones when hit by bombing raids.
  • Swimming Lessons- Insurgents can flee across rivers. When this is activated, it modifies the insurgent AI, making them choose to escape into zones adjacent with a water source.
  • Split and Run- When defeated, insurgents flee in multiple directions
  • Violent Ambushes- Coalition deployment extension costs 50% more.
  • Fanatical Fighters- Insurgent strength is increased by 80% but will not flee when defeated.

Governor effects

Smuggler: Bribe insurgents, disbanding some active fighters on the map.

Billionaire: Has access to Coalition Facilitators with low strength but gradually bribe insurgents while fighting, causing them to eventually disband. Each fighter costs funds to remove.

Advisor effects

Main page: Advisors

Insurgents are affected by the following advisors:

Religious Leader- Stabilizing zones reduces more insurgent capability.

Tribal Elder- Delays the start of the insurgency by up to 2 months.

Negotiator- Increases peace negotiation speed.

Militia Chief- Reduces initial Insurgent Capability by 1, however, this advisor increases corruption risk by 2%.

Police Chief- Increases Security in every Zone, and Initiatives which improve Zone Security are more effective.

Censor- Reduce Reputation loss when Insurgents capture Zones by a random value 1 or 2. Reputation loss can't reduce under than 1.

Tactician- Increase chance of rebels taking casualties when fleeing.


Insurgents defeated

Insurgents enter cave

Insurgents flee

Stalemate in battle

Insurgents capture zone

Cave cleared

Combat initiated

Insurgent base destroyed

Insurgent base discovered

Insurgent spawns

Unused sound effect for insurgents winning


  • As the game is based on Afghanistan conflicts, the insurgents correspond to relevant real-life paramilitary factions reliant on Guerrilla warfare, such as the Taliban, as opposed to the Coalition forces based on American military alliances.
  • If the Leaderless Insurgency map feature is active, insurgents will never attempt to begin peace talks, although their negotiation willingness still appears in-game.
  • It is extremely hilarious to note that if an insurgent-controlled region has very little to no intel and a Tank unit is present, nothing will happen for quite while - Tanks cannot gather intel, and since engagement inception time is inversely proportional to the amount of intel available, a fight will take significantly longer to begin.
  • It is possible to win the game without eliminating all insurgents and peace deals, as on higher difficulties such as Mega Brutal, zones can sometimes stabilize just as an insurgent fighter appears. However, given the extreme amount of security to prevent it from dislodging stability, this usually only occurs when cheats are active.
  1. Do note that while they do not spawn in stable zones, they still may not be uncovered by the time the zone is stabilised, making it look as if they spawned in a stable zone.
  2. By default Garrisons only scan for those in its zone. If Security Checkpoints have been purchased, they will also uncover camps in nearby zones with full intel.