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Governors are people that manage the whole region in Rebel Inc. Each governor has it's own playstyle and unique upsides and downsides.

To unlock a new governor on PC, you must beat the game on any difficulty with the previous governor. The Billionaire is only available with the Dollars and Disasters DLC, and can be immediately played once the DLC is brought.

On mobile, the first five governors can be unlocked by beating the game on at least Normal difficulty, the Warlord is unlocked by beating all maps on Brutal and other special governors are unlocked by beating the game on Brutal with all previous governors. You are also able to buy a specific expansion to unlock all governors without progressing in the game.

Normal Governors

Civil Servant

Main article: Civil Servant
The default choice. A reliable pair of hands.

The Civil Servant is the default governor and has no special initiatives or effects.


Main article: Economist
A long term thinker. Works to an annual budget.

The Economist is a governor that receives its budget annually rather than monthly, but suffers from increased corruption. It is the only Governor with initiatives that reduces Inflation.


Main article: General
A senior member in the National army. Strong advocate for military solutions.

The General starts the game with Military Initiatives already unlocked. However, the costs of all Civilian Initiatives increase by around $2. He can significantly upgrade National Soldiers for low costs.


Main article: Banker
A smooth talking financier. Doesn't like spending money.

The Banker earns interest on all the money the Operation hasn't spend yet. However, the starting budget is much lower and Inflation rises faster.


Main article: Smuggler
A 'retired' black market operator. Comfortable with chaos.

The Smuggler earns extra money as corruption increases. As a result, support level decreases more with corruption and Anti-Corruption initiatives are more expensive. He can gain much more money for extra Corruption or National Soldier strength.

Special Governors


Main article: Warlord
Controversial and ruthless. Can call on large personal militia.

The Warlord can quickly and cheaply convert his militia to National Soldiers. However, these increase corruption, decrease support, and have increasing demands. He can perform controversial actions, which effectively spend support for money. Coalition deployments are more expensive and shorter.

Tank Commander

Main article: Tank Commander
A big believer in tanks. Likes to crush enemies with heavy armor.

The Tank Commander equips starting soldiers with tanks, regardless of practicality. If only the Insurgents would stay still...

The Tank Commander always deploys tanks, powerful units that can quickly defeat Insurgents. However, tanks are expensive, take longer to train, damage support level, can’t collect intel, and can’t enter certain areas.

Development Director

Main article: Development Director
A skilled micromanager. Priorities zones for development

The Development Director can deploy Experts, which accelerate rollout and implement unfunded initiatives, prioritizing local concerns. However, they only have access to 3 Coalition Soldiers that also cost more.


Very rich. Throws money at problems.

The Billionaire, introduced in Dollars and Disasters fights Insurgents with its Coalition Facilitators, which are weaker, but gradually bribe Insurgents at the cost of money and corruption. It can also invest in their company, slowly increasing in value over time. No National Soldiers can be used, which also means Garrisons can’t be built.


  • The 'Civil Servant' governor is featured in the PC trailer.
  • Ironically, real-life Development Experts can work with allied soldiers as they could provide physical support such as construction of various facilities. In-game military units can also help roll out initiatives on their own (except for tanks, because tank squads do not have a lot of soldiers), if the requirements are met. This strange mechanic is likely introduced to increase game difficulty and stop "turtling" tactics, where Development experts are always protected by a Soldier Unit.
  • The Economist is the only governor who receives funds on an annual basis.
  • The General is the only governor who can fund Military initiatives before insurgency rumors.
  • The Tank Commander, Development Director, and the Billionare are the only governors that are able to deploy units other than normal Coalition and National troops by default.
  • The Smuggler takes ~15% more damage on the support level from corruption than other governors.
  • The Billionaire is the only governor that has permanent Coalition military without National Soldiers, and also the second governor who can bribe Insurgents while the first being Smuggler's "Bribe Insurgents" initiative.