Development Director

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The Development Director is the third special governor and the eighth governor overall in Rebel Inc.


The Development Director can deploy civilian Experts to prioritize initiatives in specific zones, but has limited access to Coalition Soldiers.

The Development Director starts the game with Services/Infrastructure/Development Discussions already funded.

She can hire a team of experts which will automatically roll out Civilian Initiatives in a zone on their own.

  • Initiatives rolled out this way do not generate Corruption or Inflation.
  • Unfunded initiatives are rolled out at a cost ($1), and every occurrence reduces its future purchase cost by $1 (cannot go below $1).
  • Experts will prioritize rolling out initiatives that satisfy any local concerns barring Security, as they can only roll out Civilian Initiatives
  • Experts cannot coexist in the same zone as allied military units or insurgents. In both cases, Experts will become a vulnerable structure until they have been removed.
    • Insurgents can attack and destroy Experts. If they are destroyed, a decision regarding this will pop up in the future with three choices:
      • Train replacement Experts at a cost. Blocks this decision until the Expert unit no longer exists.
      • Postpone the decision.
      • Accept the loss. Blocks this decision for the rest of the game.
    • Airstrikes and Drones do not interfere with Experts.
  • Experts will refuse to enter zones that match any of the following conditions:
    • The zone is occupied by another friendly unit. This includes Experts acquired from other sources, but military units can still be moved into zones with Experts.
    • Insurgents are active in or control the zone.
    • No intel.
  • Experts increase rollout speed in their current zone by 50%.

She can only request 3 Coalition Soldier Units rather than the usual 5, and they all cost significantly more than usual.

She has an unlisted inflation bonus of +10% on Casual/Normal, and +26.5% on Brutal/Mega Brutal.

Unique Initiatives

For further information, see Government Initiatives#Development Director and Military Initiatives#Development Director
  • Hire Experts (Government) - Hires a team of deployable development experts who will then automatically roll out initiatives in any zones they are placed in, unless they are under attack or if allied military units are present.
  • Project Managers (Government) - Experts speed up initiative rollout by 200% instead of 50%.
  • ATV Transport (Government) - Reduce the Experts' logistics required to travel between zones.
  • Unofficial Procurement (Government) - Experts roll out initiatives for free but generate corruption risk, and no longer reduce costs for
  • Secure Compounds (Military) - Increases the Expert Team's resistance to attacks & logistics required to travel between zones.



Since she starts with all discussions funded, there is no need to waste funds on them. Experts can be extremely helpful when local concerns populate the region since you don't need to actually fund these, and they will apply a cost discount to the initiative in the future whenever it has been rolled out. The Experts also prioritize rolling out certain initiatives depending on concerns, hostile population and neutral population in their zone. Experts can also prevent the deterioration of the Dam in the Azure Dam map if they are in the Dam zone. This is particularly valuable in zones where you need to stabilize quickly due to the extreme volatile rollout process.


Since Experts consume funds to roll out initiatives and Creative Funding is generally unacceptable, they might also waste valuable resources too. Spent funds are not refunded if they were removed before it completes. Their mobility isn't that good either, as they need to be physically present in a zone (negating the advantage of the few that do not require Intel to roll out), and any military presence, be it allied or hostile, renders them immobile. It's also worth mentioning they cannot roll out security initiatives.

Coalition Soldiers are significantly more expensive and only three can be requested, so you might need to get your National Soldiers ready quickly before they leave.


  • Development Director is the only governor that can remove concerns by sending her experts without having to fund the concerned initiatives first.
  • It is possible to get "The Oil must Flow" achievement in Golden Sands with this governor by sending experts to Oil Derrick zones and funding Project Managers to rush zone stability that has Oil Derricks before 5 years had passed (2002-2007)