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There are several units in Rebel Inc. that can help you stabilise the region.

Being led by the player, weaponized units will engage Insurgents and eventually drive them out if given the chance. Under usual circumstances, military units are invincible and cannot be destroyed.


All units have a logistics cost which determine travel times.

To improve these logistics, road initiatives, garrisons and the Logistics Expert can reduce it while the Personal Teleport Player Tactic renders it irrelevant by setting it to 0. The fuel shortage map feature increases the cost by 2 per zone. If there are no logistics costs, a unit can quite literally warp.

Units deployed in difficulties below Brutal will also materialize instantly in any area of choice when initially dispatched to the map, while beyond Brutal, they will have to depart from HQ first.


Coalition Units

Coalition Units are fast, cheap, and effective troops with very little training time. However, they are likely to antagonize locals and will leave after a set number of turns. Coalition units lose deploy time as long as they're on the map. While being moved around, Coalition units will not increase hostile generation and their deploy time does not count down.

Extending their deployment time will usually cost Reputation.

It is also possible for a Coalition Unit to be withdrawn due to being distracted by another war. This event will remove any Coalition unit and replace them with another unit of Coalition Soldiers.

National Units

National Units are in general weaker than their Coalition counterparts in all aspects, cost more in general, require additional upgrades to be effective. Their primary advantage is that they are permanent forces and are less likely to incur hostility.



Soldiers are the basic infantry units capable of fighting off insurgents and destroying camps, or gather intel in zones if possible. When not in combat themselves, soldiers prioritize supporting others nearby. Civil Assistance and Civil Integration allows them to help with rollouts.


Compared to soldiers, Tanks have greater strength and cost, allowing them to steamroll both insurgents and poppy fields.

However, they are slower, can't gather intel (only stop intel decay), will not support other units nor help with rollouts, and are unable to enter remote zones under most circumstances (unless a Major Road initiative is active there). They also cause significant disruption to civilian life, can damage road infrastructure and reduces support level, meaning like Coalition Soldiers, it can be helpful trying to juggle your tanks around.

Tanks however can still be supported by other units, will stop intel decay, block enemy units from escaping and support bonus upgrades like Civil Assistance still affect them normally.

These units can be obtained via:

  • With Tank Commander, 1 Coalition Unit and 2 of his National Units are replaced with Tanks.
  • Equipping a Tank upgrade token to an allied military unit that doesn't have one yet.
    • These are found from Tank depots, provided by certain player tactics in campaign or purchased from Tank commander's extra tank initiative.

Specialist Units

Specialists are very similar to tanks in that they can either exist as normal units or as attachments that can be equipped on unspecialized soldiers. They provide combat bonuses in the indicated zone for said unit.

Coalition Facilitators

Coalition Facilitators are a special type of unit exclusive to the Billionaire. These Coalition Facilitators are only 40% as effective as a regular Coalition Soldiers, but never withdraw, and can bribe Insurgents with your funds to reduce insurgent fighter level by 1 per bribe (if player has the funds).

When Coalition Facilitator Units bribe the Insurgents, they also reduce Insurgent Capability. The cost of the bribe increases and can go up to (4-6)$ for zones which the player has no Intel on, unless the player has purchased the Local Fixers initiative.

Bribing Insurgents will increase Corruption Risk which scales by Difficulty (0.1% in Casual, 0.2% in Normal, and 0.24% in Brutal and Mega Brutal). Corruption Risk gain is multiplied by 1.1 as a penalty when the bribe occurs in a zone that the player has no-intel on. (If player has not purchased Local Fixers Initiative)

Airstrike support, Garrison support (include HQ) and Drone Scans can reduce bribing costs by 1$.

Development Experts

Development Experts help stabilise the region by rolling out Civilian Initiatives in a zone they are deployed in, prioritizing any existing concerns. They can even roll out initiatives that haven't been funded yet at a cost of $1. If Unofficial Procurement has been purchased, they instead increase corruption risk.

They will refuse to move into any zone that has military units, those occupied/controlled by insurgents or without intel. If either insurgents or military units are within the same zone, they will turn into a static compound and cannot be moved until all military presence there has been withdrawn.

If placed in a region with a Dam, the Dam's durability degradation ceases until they are moved out.

If killed, replacements can be hired again[1].

Experts increase Accessibility from zone they are deployed in and nearby zones (Accessibility increase for Intel-Collect, Construction and Soldiers combat)



  • The rifles on various unit upgrade icons appear to resemble the M4 Carbine, which may be the weapon they actually use in combat.
  • When units engage enemies, the sound of an AK-47 (a famous AR often associated with paramilitary groups due to its low cost and high durability) firing can be heard, while metallic banging sounds appear when tanks are in combat.
  • Even if the Experts were placed in a zone with idle yet allied military units, the game will still claim that they are under attack.
  • On a promotional image for the tank commander, there appears to be a single, desert tank, which is based on the M1A1 Abrams while the in-game icon resembles the M4 Sherman.
    • The M1A1 appears to carry a heavy machine gun, which in turn could be the M249/M2.
  1. This so far only applies to the Development Director's hired experts and not any from other sources.