Strategy Guide:Opium Trail

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This page details a strategy guide for Opium Trail.
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Opium Trail is one of the most difficult maps in Rebel Inc.

General map advice

The worst things on the map could be the following:

  • Opium generation
  • Slow stability (due to high supporter requirements despite the low hostility)
  • Terrible roads
  • Difficult to contain Insurgent clusters

In the early to mid-game, Opium can essentially grow unopposed. Unless you have Warlord's National Soldiers (and a way to deal with their salaries), you will struggle to deploy units that can remove these efficiently. The combined reputation loss and insurgent capability boost can be extremely devastating as they snowball untouched.

HQ placement

Place the HQ within the following:

  • Bravo Romeo stabilises extremely quickly and has nearby areas with low hostile populations.
  • Alpha Romeo provides easier access to the northeastern corner where opium fields tend be rampant and provides some of the stability benefits Bravo Romeo gets. Additionally, placing a headquarters in an Alpha Romeo will cause no opium to grow on the Alpha Romeo, which has the effect of permanently removing one opium source from the northeast dirt roads rural zones.
  • Alpha Whiskey is relatively easy to follow up stabilization and has good access to the western front.

Common local concerns

The common local concerns include Education, Jobs, and Telecoms.

Insurgent spawns

Insurgents can spawn within the following:

  • The north-western mountains
  • The south-western mountains
  • The north-east area


There are several good governors to use for this map:

Initiative build

Todo: add build

Other remarks

  • The best way to defeat this region is to stabilise as quickly as possible to reduce opium growth, since opium doesn't grow on stabilised areas.
    • It is important to note that stabilisation should not slow down or become stagnant.
  • Buying at least two (2) jobs, especially rural ones, can help stabilise the region faster.
  • Buying employment support programme immediately is always recommended, as you only pay a bit to void support losses in a zone.
  • Direct reputation reduction from opium only applies when opium is visible. Using this in reverse, minimizing intel can delay reputation decline due to opium for a very long time.
  • Roads should be funded as soon as possible (especially dirt roads), since there are several remote zones that have poor accessibility and have rampant Opium spawns.
    • There are key vulnerable points that could easily be taken over by rebels, but in reality should not be taken over.
    • The most representative ones are:
      • Alpha Yankee in the northeast
      • Echo Juliett in the west
      • Chalie Lima in the east.
  • Opium Trail's rebel combat power is strong on average, and their aggressiveness is also very high, so if you don't end the fight quickly, they will end you.
    • Therefore, if the battle seems to be dragging on a bit, you will need to provide support with other troops. This is true even if other areas are slightly attacked or opium grows a little.

Specific guides
