Saffron Fields

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Saffron Fields is the 1st standard map you can play from the moment you get Rebel Inc. The area is mostly compromised of grassy plains with cities scattered throughout the place and some mountainous regions to the northeast. A branching river divides the region into three parts. The eastern side are mostly rural areas while urban cities are situated to the west and south.


This map is mainly composed of rural zones. Cities are speckled about the fields and farmlands, with one huge metro city in the South West, containing a very high amount of the total region's population. A vast mountain range lurks in the North East. A T-shaped river cuts through the center of the map, limiting soldier movement between each section, as they must cross a bridge to get across a river. The Eastern section has main roads coming out of the central city and dirt tracks coming into the mountain. The South West section of the map has a highway running from the bridge in the South East corner of the map, running parallel straight along the river, and leading into and out of the giant metro city. The rest of the zones on this map have a mixture of main and dirt roads.

Area statistics

Saffron Fields map arranged by code name Saffron Fields map arranged by transportation and demography.

Region Code Sector Code Type Transportation Terrain Population Hostile% Zone Size (Hexes) Scale Zone Size
Alpha Lima Rural Main Roads Grassland 8209 3.42% 59 0.954
Victor Urban Highways Grassland 51904 4.04% 71 1.148
Whiskey Urban Main Roads Grassland 30396 4.26% 73 1.180
Yankee Urban Highways Grassland 21932 4.63% 73 1.180
Bravo Romeo Rural Highways Grassland 10516 4.55% 83 1.342
Tango Rural Highways Grassland 10376 4.08% 66 1.067
Uniform Rural Highways Grassland 11985 3.42% 52 0.841
Charlie Kilo Remote Main Roads Scrubland 2507 4.46% 43 0.695
Oscar Remote Minor Roads Scrubland 2699 5.34% 51 0.825
Romeo Rural Minor Roads Grassland 10401 4.83% 61 0.986
Tango Rural Main Roads Grassland 6104 4.35% 53 0.857
Yankee Urban Main Roads Grassland 18991 3.80% 48 0.776
Delta Kilo Remote Minor Roads Scrubland 1990 8.21% 55 0.889
Uniform Rural Main Roads Grassland 11264 4.99% 70 1.132
Yankee Urban Main Roads Grassland 17599 4.96% 44 0.712
Echo Papa Rural Minor Roads Grassland 7504 4.05% 58 0.938
Tango Rural Highways Grassland 6913 5.02% 54 0.873
Whiskey Urban Highways Grassland 21185 3.08% 86 1.391
Foxtrot Juliett Remote Minor Roads Mountains 2926 53.59% 63 1.019
Kilo Remote Minor Roads Mountains 2719 11.32% 74 1.197
Lima Remote Minor Roads Scrubland 3201 18.42% 57 0.922
Mike Remote Minor Roads Mountains 3436 61.33% 57 0.922
Oscar Remote Main Roads Scrubland 2501 19.68% 66 1.067
Golf Papa Rural Main Roads Grassland 10271 6.96% 71 1.148
Sierra Rural Main Roads Grassland 7953 12.05% 58 0.938

Full statistics

Source: Game files

ident gov_support_perc hostile_support_perc taliban_bias other_bias total_bias real_zone_name name_check initial_population core_zone_type num_hexes base_terrain urban_type connectedness road_assessment tags valley fort_suitable divider lip hinterlands_access tag_pakistan_border tag_oil_rich tag_mineral_rich pop perc terrain weighting pop based on terrain weighting 260434
Alpha 3.80% 0 0 Charlie Yankee FALSE 18991 urban 48 grassland town road 0.15 grassland, town, road 0.06652258286 0.15818963 0.2087549048 54367
Bravo 4.83% 0 0 Charlie Romeo FALSE 10401 rural 61 grassland trail 0 fort_suitable, grassland, , trail yes 0.03643312013 0.0314712 0.04153096104 10816
Charlie 4.35% 0 0 Charlie Tango FALSE 6104 rural 53 grassland road 0.15 fort_suitable, grassland, , road yes 0.02138138306 0.0108416 0.01430711467 3726
Delta 4.46% 0 0 Charlie Kilo FALSE 2507 remote 43 scrubland road 0.15 hinterlands_access, scrubland, , road yes 0.008781639473 0.0224037 0.02956503698 7700
Echo 5.34% 0.1 0.1 Charlie Oscar FALSE 2699 remote 51 scrubland trail 0 scrubland, , trail 0.009454186253 0.0128227 0.01692147278 4407
Foxtrot 11.32% 1 1 Foxtrot Kilo FALSE 2719 remote 74 mountain trail 0 mountain, , trail 0.00952424321 0.009537 0.01258549961 3278
Golf 61.33% 3 3 Foxtrot Mike FALSE 3436 remote 57 mountain trail 0 mountain, , trail 0.01203578509 0.0460358 0.0607511317 15822
Hotel 8.21% 1 1 Delta Kilo FALSE 1990 remote 55 scrubland trail 0 valley, fort_suitable, scrubland, , trail yes yes 0.006970667152 0.0339946 0.0448609652 11683
India 19.68% 2 2 Foxtrot Oscar FALSE 2501 remote 66 scrubland road 0.15 valley, scrubland, , road yes 0.008760622386 0.0102311 0.0135014685 3516
Juliet 53.59% 3 3 Foxtrot Juliett FALSE 2926 remote 63 mountain trail 0 mountain, , trail 0.01024933271 0.0105424 0.01391227547 3623
Kilo 4.99% 0 0 Delta Uniform FALSE 11264 rural 70 grassland road 0.15 fort_suitable, grassland, , road yes 0.03945607779 0.0085283 0.01125436891 2931
Lima 12.05% 1 1 Golf Sierra FALSE 7953 rural 58 grassland road 0.15 fort_suitable, lip, grassland, , road yes yes 0.02785814867 0.0376565 0.0496933906 12942
Mike 18.42% 2 2 Foxtrot Lima FALSE 3201 remote 57 scrubland trail 0 valley, scrubland, , trail yes 0.01121261586 0.0221061 0.02917230921 7597
November 6.96% 1 1 Golf Papa FALSE 10271 rural 71 grassland road 0.15 grassland, , road 0.03597774991 0.0341372 0.04504914725 11732
Oscar 4.08% 0 0 Bravo Tango FALSE 10376 rural 66 grassland tarmac 0.3 hinterlands_access, grassland, , tarmac yes 0.03634554893 0.0325314 0.04293005369 11180
Papa 3.42% 0 0 Alpha Lima FALSE 8209 rural 59 grassland road 0.15 grassland, , road 0.02875487772 0.014157 0.01868228143 4866
Quebec 3.42% 0 0 Bravo Uniform FALSE 11985 rural 52 grassland tarmac 0.3 grassland, , tarmac 0.04198163107 0.0646653 0.08533554661 22224
Romeo 0.001963567958 4.63% 0 0 Alpha Yankee FALSE 21932 urban 73 grassland town tarmac 0.3 hinterlands_access, grassland, town, tarmac yes 0.07682445828 0.0217868 0.02875094505 7488
Sierra 0.0036 4.04% 0 0 Alpha Victor FALSE 51904 urban 71 grassland city tarmac 0.3 grassland, city, tarmac 0.181811813 0.0125884 0.01661227884 4326
Tango 0.002784514949 4.26% 0 0 Alpha Whiskey FALSE 30396 urban 73 grassland town road 0.15 grassland, town, road 0.1064725622 0.024273 0.03203185825 8342
Uniform 4.55% 0 0 Bravo Romeo FALSE 10516 rural 83 grassland tarmac 0.3 fort_suitable, grassland, , tarmac yes 0.03683594763 0.0082918 0.01094227175 2850
Victor 4.05% 0 0 Echo Papa FALSE 7504 rural 58 grassland trail 0 grassland, , trail 0.02628537001 0.0687145 0.09067907236 23616
Whisky 0.002628054156 3.08% 0 0 Echo Whiskey FALSE 21185 urban 86 grassland town tarmac 0.3 lip, grassland, town, tarmac yes 0.07420783097 0.0240405 0.03172503968 8262
Xray 5.02% 0 0 Echo Tango FALSE 6913 rural 54 grassland tarmac 0.3 grassland, , tarmac 0.02421518695 0.0136411 0.01800147413 4688
Zulu 0.003556512425 4.96% 0 0 Delta Yankee FALSE 17599 urban 44 grassland town road 0.15 grassland, town, road 0.0616466187 0.0245892 0.03244913149 8451

Game strategy

Visit Strategy Guide:Saffron Fields for the strategy guide.


Taliban bias

In the campaign/co-op mode/weekly challenges, taliban_bias - which increases the priority for local rebel camps to appear - is remarkably different.

Map 1

taliban_bias in Main Game

Map 2

taliban_bias in other cases

And in the campaign/co-op mode/weekly challenges, taliban_bias in these places is very high (excluding some very rare cases). Therefore, the player must be careful not to increase global hostility too much as it may significantly increase the difficulty in the game.


  • There are 285,482 total people in this region.
  • The internal codename for this region is "floodplains".
  • If this region had a structure like that in Azure Dam, convoy trucks would enter from Alpha Yankee, Bravo Tango, or Charlie Kilo and would arrive at Echo Whiskey or Golf Sierra.
  • This is only map that gives +5 starting Reputation on Casual difficulty.