Tank Depots

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Tank Depots appear on 1 random, non-remote zone on the Black Caves map. They can be vital to assisting the player's operation, as they can boost the military capacity or provide additional funds for the player.


Player Interactions

Tank Depots are found when players gain maximum intel on a zone. If the player finds a Tank Depot, they can send a soldier unit to secure it. After that, the player is faced with two choices: Scrap it and gain 7$-9$ in funds, or keep the tank as a permanent consumable upgrade token applicable to any non-tank unit.

Insurgent Interactions

If an Insurgent group takes over a region with a tank, they will destroy it, preventing the player from using it and gaining a significant capability bonus.


  • Ironically, real-life Insurgents do make use of captured tanks.
  • The game's context and the Tank Pop-up Art depict the M1 Abrams, a real life tank used by the US Military.
  • The presence of Tank depots may imply that these vehicles were left there during the invasion.
  • When equip tank depot to Coalition Facilitator Unit (when play Billionaire), they reduce cost of bribe to insurgents by 1$.