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Support Advisors

These Advisors will help win over people's hearts and minds easier as well as gain Intelligence on Zones quicker.

Icon Name Effect
Journalist.png Journalist Gather Intel on Zones faster.
  • Multiplies Intel collection speed by 1.1. Backfires if Intel on zones is decaying.
VillageElder.png Village Elder Gain bonus Support Level in Remote Zones.
  • Multiplies Local Support Levels in Remote Zones by 1.1. Backfires if Support Levels are negative.
Town Planner.png Town Planner Gain bonus Support Level in Urban Zones.
  • Multiplies Local Support Levels in Urban Zones by 1.1. Backfires if Support Levels are negative.
Doctor.png Doctor Win over Hostile populations more easily.
  • Multiplies Local Hostility Levels in all Zones by 1.1. Backfires if Hostility Levels are positive.
Farmer.png Farmer Gain bonus Support Level in Rural Zones.
  • Multiplies Local Support Levels in Rural Zones by 1.1. Backfires if Support Levels are negative.

Miscellaneous Advisors

These Advisors don't share the same purpose between each other. Each one has a unique effect.

Icon Name Effect
ArmchairArchitect.png Armchair Architect Randomly build HQ. Start the game with more money.
  • HQ will be placed into a random Zone with Highway or Main Road.
  • Increases starting funds by up to $8. The effect becomes weaker the higher starting funds get, meaning it has poor synergy with Private Donor and the Fundraising Campaign tactics in campaign mode. The effect also suffers from additional penalties when used on Banker.
Tourist.png Tourist Start the game with Intel on more Zones.
  • Up to 2 additional Zones may be instantly revealed by the Tourist. The chances of Zones being revealed depend on the accessibility the HQ is placed on.
Celebrity.png Celebrity Start the game with higher Support Level.
  • Increases Global Support Level by 1.5.
ImpulsiveShopper.png Impulsive Shopper Spend money on random initiatives when you have more than $20.
  • The chance increases the more excessive funds the operation has.
TrainedMonkey.png Trained Monkey Randomly respond to initiatives when they run out of time.
  • Trained Monkey can even select options that are normally blocked for the Player due to lack of money, Reputation, or due to other circumstances.
  • If the Player has insufficient funds, they will go into debt which has zero impact on Reputation, unless the Deficit Funding campaign tactic is used.
  • If the Player has too little Reputation, it will fall below zero. Usually it results in immediate operation failure.

Military Advisors

These Advisors help increase the operation's military capabilities.

Icon Name Effect
Instructor.png Instructor Train National Soldiers without Coalition Soldiers.
  • There is a base mechanic that significantly increases National Soldiers training duration when not a single Coalition Soldier is present in the region. The Instructor right now does not get rid of this effect, meaning it will take almost twice as long to train a National Soldier unit.
Chef.png Chef Improves morale of Coalition Soldiers while not in combat. Allows for longer deployments.
  • When not directly engaged in fighting Insurgents, Coalition Soldiers' Tours of Duty are reduced 30% slower.
  • Coalition Soldiers' presence doesn't reduce Local Support Levels as much.
Observer.png Observer Coalition Soldiers significantly more effective at preventing collateral damage from Airstrikes.
  • The effect scales on the amount of Coalition Soldiers present in the region.
DrillSergeant.png Drill Sergeant Speed up training of National Soldiers.
  • Cuts ~2 months from each National Soldier unit training time. The effect escalates with the amount of National Soldiers being trained simultaneously.
ArmsDealer.png Arms Dealer Increases Combat Strength of National Soldiers.
  • National Soldiers are 25% stronger.

Counter-Insurgency Advisors

These Advisors help hinder Insurgents' activity and negotiate with them more effectively.

Icon Name Effect
ReligiousLeader.png Religious Leader Significantly boosts decrease in Insurgent Capability when stabilizing Zones.
  • Normally when a Zone becomes Stable for the first time, the Insurgent Capability is decreased by 3.5%. This advisor doubles the effect, resulting in 7% Insurgent Capability reduction each time a Zone becomes fully Stable once.
TribalElder.png Tribal Elder Delay the start of the Insurgency.
  • Delays the start of the Insurgency by 2 months. or by 1 month on the Mega Brutal difficulty.
Negotiator.png Negotiator Increases peace negotiation speed.
  • The effect is multiplicative, meaning the Peace progress will decay faster if Negotiation Strength is below 0%.
  • Additionally reduces penalty from Insurgent Objections.
MilitiaChief.png Militia Chief Reduces Initial Insurgent Capability. Slightly increases Corruption.
  • Reduces Initial Insurgent Capability by 3.5%.
  • Increases Corruption Risk by 2%.
PoliceChief.png Police Chief Initiatives which improve Zone Security are more effective.
  • Insurgents have additional chances of losing more fighters when destroying Security Upgrades.

Economy Advisors

These Advisors increase the operation's funds, bolster anti-corruption measures and help at damage control during difficult times.

Icon Name Effect
TaxCollector.png Tax Collector Gain more money from Stable Zones.
  • Increases tax by 65%, boosting income from Stable Zones from $1.5 to approximately $2.5.
Realist.png Realist Delay Reputation loss due to Lack of Stability.
  • Lack of Stability is delayed by 3 months, and the Reputation loss becomes severe more slowly.
InvestigativeReporter.png Investigative Reporter Increases effectiveness of Corruption reduction efforts.
  • Increases effectiveness of Initiatives reducing Corruption Risk gradually over time by 25%.
PrivateDonor.png Private Donor Start the game with more money.
  • Increases starting funds by up to $8. The effect becomes weaker the higher starting funds get, meaning it has poor synergy with Armchair Architect and the Fundraising Campaign tactics in campaign mode. The effect also suffers from additional penalties when used on Banker.
WealthyExile.png Wealthy Exile Low Reputation doesn't reduce your money as much.
  • Unfortunately, it has almost no effect [1]. This averages out to an extra $1/$2 per year on very low reputation.

Internal Affairs

These Advisors boost internal affairs in the region.

Icon Name Effect
LogisticsExpert.png Logistics Expert Increase travel speeds of Soldiers through secure, Stable Zones.
  • Each Stable Zone reduces logistics cost by 1 should they be included in the intended route.
  • Can't reduce total logistics cost below 1.
Censor.png Censor Reduce Reputation loss when Insurgents capture Zones.
  • Lose 15% less Reputation when Insurgents take control over Zones.
Tactician.png Tactician Increase chance of rebels taking casualties when fleeing.
  • Particular values remain unknown.
Engineer.png Engineer Build Garrisons quicker.
  • Reduces cooldown between Garrison constructions by 2 months.
Pilot.png Pilot Reduce cooldown of Airstrikes.
  • Particular values remain unknown.