Template:Multiple Image

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Template-info.svg Documentation The below documentation is transcluded from Template:Multiple Image/doc. Subpages of this template.

This template is designed to insert several images in a collage, either for articles or infoboxes that store a lot of information.

  • This template requires a LUA Module
  • Credits: This LUA module was created by Frietjes and edited by Technobliterator. Originally based on the "Multiple Image" module on Wikipedia, respective credits to the contributors.
    • Original License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0 (Wikipedia) + CC BY-SA (Fandom Developers)

Template designed to place multiple images around certain content in a more dynamic way.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

Template's Alignalign

The position of the thumbnail relative to page content

Suggested values
right center left
Right, Left & Center
Image Directiondirection

The alignment of each image relative to each other

Suggested values
horizontal vertical
Horizontal (Default) & Vertical
Template Background Colorbackground_color

The background color for this template

Transparent or other value to assign color in CSS
Width for each Image (Only choose one width option)width

The width of the thumbnail in pixels, applies to all images. This parameter will override width[n] below. Omit px from this value. Defaults to 200 (200 pixels wide). Must be used over total_width.

Total Width (Only choose one width option)total_width

Sets the total width of the thumbnail, automatically sizing the images therein accordingly. Must be used over width.

Template's Caption Aligncaption_align

The text-alignment of the thumbnail header

Suggested values
center right left
Center (Default), Right & Left
1st Image File Nameimage1

Image file name next to its file extension (e.g. .png or .jpg), do not include the prefixes of "Image:" and "File:".

1st Image Widthwidth1

The individual width for this image. This will be overridden by the global width parameter above.

1st Image Captioncaption1

The caption for this image

2nd Image File Nameimage2

Image file name next to its file extension (e.g. .png or .jpg), do not include the prefixes of "Image:" and "File:".

2nd Image Widthwidth2

The individual width for this image. This will be overridden by the global width parameter above.

2nd Image Captioncaption2

The caption for this image

Template's Footerfooter

General caption used to describe the entire image gallery of the template.
